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                                         Asriel's POV
     We were free. We were on the land my parents ruled.
     It had taken a day to evacuate everyone. It had been decided that Chara, Chester, Frisk, Goriel, Vex, the king and queen, and myself would go talk to mom and dad. Everyone else would stay camped up on Mt. Ebott. Riley was in charge.
     As we were walking down Mt. Ebott I realized something.
     "They have search parties looking for me. I've only been gone for like a week." I voiced my thoughts aloud. Everyone turned to look at me.
     "That shouldn't be too much of a problem. I snuck in and out of the castle so many times I could do it in my sleep." Goriel said.
     "Kay then let's continue." Frisk said.
     We continued on. We ran into the two kids who'd always bully me.
     "Well look what we have here." The short one.
     "It's our old friend Prince sissy." The tall one.
     "At least he has a life." Frisk stepped in front of me.
     "And who are you?" The tall one.
     "His girlfriend." She answered.
     "Ha! That's sad you can't find any one to date you so you went and found a human." The short one.
     "At least he has a girlfriend." She replied.
     "Shut up!" The tall one swung his fist at her. She caught it, then she twisted it till he was on the ground.
     The short one took a step to help his friend before Frisk's words stoped him.
     "Ah-uh-uh. One more step I break his arm." She said.
     "She's bluffing." The tall one said.
     The short one took a step. A snap sounded as the tall one screamed in pain. She shoved the tall one towards the short one.
     "Are these the ones who have been bullying you?" Goriel asked.
     "Yep." I said.
     "Listen here. If you thought what Frisk did was bad you'll wish you'd never been born if you mess with him ever again. You have no idea what I'm capable of nor do you want to." His voice was deep and menacing.
     "Lets go!" Frisk said cheerfully and skipped ahead.
     "Kay." We left the trembling boys behind us.
     "Wow. Thanks guys really." I thanked.
     "What are friends for?" Frisk asked.
     "That's right we got your back." Goriel said.
     "Did you really break his arm?" Chara asked.
     "Yeah, of course. I would've broken it if his friend listened too." Frisk said.
     We continued on. We were stopped at the gate of the castle. Frisk, Chara, Chester, Goriel, and I had been standing at the back of the group after our run in with the bullies.
     I walked to the front and told the guards to let them in. They let us in. We were told to wait in the throne room.
     Eventually mom and dad walked in. They glared at us all. Goriel was behind Vex so we wouldn't have to deal with that.
     "How did you break our barrier?" Dad looked at Vex when he asked it.
     "Don't look at me I'm just a grunt. They're the ones you want to talk to." Vex said pointing at the king and queen.
     "We come here in hope we can agree on peace." The king said.
     "We're not interested." Mom said.
     "Well, plan B right?" Vex asked.
     The king sighed, "yes."
     "What's plan B?" Dad asked.
     "Challenging you to a duel." Chester answered.
     "Ha! None of you fit the requirements. You have to be an adult monster." Mom said.
     "Why do you assume none of us fit them?" I asked.
     "You're the only monster and you're only 16." Mom said.
     "That's not true mother." Goriel stepped out from behind Vex.
     "You're dead." Dad said.
     "No, I'm obviously not. I'm standing right here." He said.
     "I challenge you to a duel for the throne." He said.
     The plan was Frisk would be taking my energy and giving it to him. After my energy ran out she'd use the magic from the six monster souls her dad has. If that somehow ran out she'd use her own magic.
     The reason she didn't want to give him hers was because it's a different kind of magic and he might not be able to use it.
     "Boy I'll make you regret coming back." Dad said.
     Goriel shot a fire attack before dad had stood up.
     The only magic we had that we didn't get from dad was mom's healing magic.
     It was basically came down to who had more HP, defense, and attack.
     I was secretly healing him and Frisk was giving him more magic for attack.
     Dad never stood a chance.
     "I surrender." He said with five HP left.
     Dad called one of his advisers in and did the whole Goriel is now king thing.
     "My first act as king is to sentence the previous king and queen to death. The have been unfairly cruel to the humans and their people." Goriel said.
     "Yes your majesty." Some of the servants came in and dragged them to the dungeon. "Their public execution will be held on a later date."
     "My second act as king is to give humans the same rights as monsters." He said.
     "Of course."
     Was that really it? Were they really gone? It's hard to believe that the people who made my life worse than hell were gone just like that.
     But they were.
     Goriel was king now. Everything had worked out.
     Frisk will own a bakery. Chara will do whatever it is Chara wants. I can be something I want to be. Chester will grow up and become king of the humans. Everyone gets what they wants. The world is full of new beginnings.

But was it as great as it seemed? The black clan had stayed underground. And of course their were going to be monsters who hated humans.

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