Darkness's birth

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"They gave me a few shots. I probably would have been fine if it was just the shots. At the time I was two. After the last of the shots I started to calm down. Then, the pain started. At first it felt like a head ache, just uncomfortable. It slowly got worse and worse. It got to the point where it felt like my head was being split apart from the inside out. Cell by cell, atom by atom. All at once.
Eventually the pain died down and was replaced by a voice. 'Kill them, they hurt you' it said. I ignored it. The voice got louder and louder. Eventually the skull splitting pain came back. The longer I ignored the voice the more my head hurt. The longer I ignored it, the more it struggled to take control of my body. Eventually, I couldn't resist. I was only two, and it felt like I was dying.
She, Darkness, broke my restraints like they were made of tissue. She then attacked every body she came across killing all. By the time I regained control there was only one boy left. I let him go.
Later I checked the record of the lab. I was part of the experiment of injecting monster dust into a human host. Darkness has her own soul. Every now and then she gains control. I'm fairly good at keeping her down though, I've had a lot of experience." When I stop I realized my skirt was soaked with tears.
Frisk came over and hugged me. Asriel reached over from next to me and started petting the back of my head. These two actions soothed me quickly.
"You've been through a lot." Twila said, there was a sadness in her eyes.
"C'mon let's eat desert!" I had smelt the chocolate cake. I just wanted to move on and, cake was good for the soul.
What do you want?
Well, ... I'm- ... never mind
Just forget it
No. Please tell me.
Take Azzy and hide. Frisk's dad is coming he's almost at the house.
I grabbed Azzy arm and dragged him into the pantry. I put my hand over his mouth and before any body had time to react the front door opened. Frisk ran over to us and closed the door behind her.
The pantry had small slits in the door so we could all see out. I took my hand off Azzy's mouth. Frisk's dad walked into the kitchen.
     "Twila, how are you?" He looked exhausted.
     "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. Vex don't over work yourself. Here would you like some lasagna?" Twila offered.
     "That was Frisk's favorite." He started crying, "I miss her so much."
     "I know I do too." Twila didn't even give the slightest sign of lying.
     "Hey, Twila I'm sorry I wanted Frisk to become a guard member. I just wanted to make sure nobody would mess with her." I could tell Frisk wanted to run into her father's arms.
     "And I'm sorry I wanted her to become a seamstress. We both know she just wanted to own a bakery." Vex stoped crying when Twila smiled.
     "You're smile warms my heart. Now I think I'll warm your mouth in return." Vex leans forward and kisses his wife. So I was right Frisk gets her flirtiness from her dad. They continue flirting  for a while but, Vex was defiantly better than Twila was.
I whisper really quietly so Frisk could barley hear me, "Can't we explain the situation to your dad. I mean would he really kill his daughter's soulmate. I mean you just returned home he wouldn't want to lose you again." Frisk being the psychic she was projected thoughts into my head.
"Look, if I got an hour alone with him he would accept it. But he'd feel bad about refusing to do his job and quit. He's one of those people who pours his whole heart and soul into his career. If he quit he wouldn't be who he is."
After losing my BODY I'm not who I was. But, does anybody care? No!
Darkness hush.
"Well it's too late to save you but it's not for my dad. I'm sorry about what happened to you but I don't know how I can help. If you excuse me I'm going to give you some head space and, leave"
Damn. What I'd give. I want to make out with her again.
Okay, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
Vex's phone rang.
"Hello... I'll be there right away!" He said into the phone. He kissed Twila and left. After we heard the front door close we all came out.
"Cake?" Darkness was in control but, she wasn't attacking anybody so I didn't stop her.
"Sure, but you're not good at acting." Twila could tell but didn't do anything.
"What do you mean acting?" Asriel asked.
"Mom was just mentioning how she's terrible at pretending she's not obsessed with chocolate." Frisk also knew.
"Well that's true!" Asriel said happily. The funny thing is Darkness isn't obsessed with chocolate, she's obsessed with Frisk's cooking and Twila was just as good. Normally Darkness actually hates chocolate but, she didn't care if it was in her obsession.
"Well you got me."
You're adorable when you're irritated.
Shut up!
Through out the rest of the night I let Darkness steer. When it came time for bed I took control, Darkness hates going to sleep so I had to do it.
Asriel was on the left, Frisk was in the middle, and I was on the right. After a few hours of lying awake I whispered.
"Are you awake?"
"Yes" it was Frisk.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I pulled Frisk closer to me. I kissed her.
She opened her mouth forcing mine open. Her tongue slid in and intermingled with mine. She playfully bit my tongue a few times. When her tongue re-entered my mouth I sucked on it. After that I slowly pulled away. I cuddled with her and went to sleep.

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