the royal psychic

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                               The royal psychic's POV
     I was sitting in my room in the palace and I had just finished writing. I had had a vision of the future.
     I decided to go for a walk around the capital. The capital surrounded the palace.
     I saw a commotion at the palace gate. I walked over to see what was going on. I saw two young girls. I recognized my granddaughter and a girl who looked a lot like her.
     "Out of my way!" I shoved my way through the guards.
     "Frisk dear, what is it?" I asked when I got to the girls.
     "I need your help." Her facial expression told me it was urgent.
     "Come with me." I led them into the palace. As we headed to my room I took the information I need from Frisk's head.
     "Sit down." I instructed Chara.
     "Kay." She sat on the floor.
     Fixing a broken soul was no easy feat. And I could tell it had never been fully formed when it was put inside Chara to begin with.
     I lit the candles after arranging them in the correct format. First I'd have to fix the soul then, I'd have to properly form it.
     "Frisk there's no time to tell you what to do so I'm just going to leech your power." I told her.
     "Kay." She said as took power from her.
     "Soul of glass, soul of brass, open your secrets, let me see it." I chanted the words with magic exiting my body.
     I was inside of Goriel's soul now.
     Dear what is it that bothers you?
     I've killed people.
     I was able to see his memory.
     It wasn't your fault. The science clan had it coming.
     What do you mean?
     Karma is real and that is what made you attack them.
     What did they do that was so bad?
     I showed him memories of how many they had killed in their experiments. How many more of their own they drove to suicide.
     The blood line was tainted.
     What about Casper?
     His mom was adopted into the science clan and his dad was from the capital. He wasn't their blood.
     So, their was nothing I could do?
     No, it was already decided. I foresaw their deaths when I was a little girl. It was set in stone before you were born.
     It's not my fault!
     Now, if you excuse me I'm going back to where I belong.
     Thank you so much!
     I left his soul.
     "You did it. I can feel that he's stable." Chara said.
     "I'm not done yet. Lie back down and be quiet." I told her. She complied.
     I said another spell this one was in an ancient language. I meditated using my and Frisk's magic to reform his soul.
     Reforming a soul was harder than brain surgery. It took me several hours. About three to be more accurate.
     After I was done I could feel the souls fighting for dominance. Before Goriel's soul was too weak to be a threat. And Goriel's soul was to weak to try to win dominance. Now both souls were fighting against their owners wishes.
     I took Goriel's soul out of Chara's body. Monster souls were made of magic. So are their bodies.
     Goriel's old body formed at the same age he was back before he died, 19.
     "So, princess want to meet your parents or...?" I asked Chara.
     "How could you tell?" She asked.
     "I-" I was tackled.
     "Thank you!" Goriel was crying.
     "Frisk go get his brother. Bring him in the back way." I sent her a mental map so she knew the back way. "Goriel how about you tell Chara how I know?" I asked since he had missed talking to her.
     "Oh, she was the royal psychic when we were siblings." Goriel said.
     "Really?" Chara looked at me.
     "I look thirty but I'm much older than you think. Members of the psychic clan live longer since if you trace far back enough we are part monster." I explained.
     "You're part monster?" Goriel asked.
     "The first member of the psychic clan was half and half. She married a human and her descendants were known as the psychic clan." I explained.
     The door opened and Frisk and Asriel came in.
     "Azzy!" Goriel tackled his little brother in a hug.
     "Goriel?" He asked.
     "Yep, it's me." He said getting off his brother.
     "Well, Goriel I don't believe we've formally met. I'm-" Frisk was cut off.
     "OMG! Frisk I've known you for two years." Goriel rolled his eyes.
     "Okay. So do you want to see the king and queen? Or if you want and can just get Chester." I offered.
     "Get Chester." Goriel answered.
     "Kay I'll be back." I said as I left.
     I walked over to the prince's room and knocked.
     "Who is it?" He asked.
     "I'm obviously not a servant cause they just talk through the door without knocking. And your parents don't knock either. So can you guess?" I said.
     "Come in Jacklin." He said.
     I walked in and said, "I have something to show you. It's in my room." I told him.
     "Kay." He closed the book he had been reading and followed me through the palace.
     "It's a surprise so let me cover your eyes." I said outside the door that way my four guests could hear as well.
     "Fine." He said as I covered his eyes.
     I opened the door and asked, "you ready?"
     "Yes." He said and pushed my hand off his eyes. Tears started falling down his face.
     He tackled Chara and Goriel in a hug. "Chary, Gorey!" He used the nick names they had for each other.
     "Hey Chess." Goriel was also using the nicknames.
     "Sorry for leaving you little bro." Chara apologized.
     "I forgive you. But don't ever do that again!" Chester slapped Chara across the face.
     "Who are you?" Chester asked, noticing Frisk and Asriel.
     "I'm Frisk, Jacklin's granddaughter." Goriel covered him her hand, which he shook.
     "And I'm Asriel, his biological brother." He said punching his brother's arm.
     "It's nice to meet you. I'm Chester" He said. "How do you know Chara?"
     "Show him." Frisk told her girlfriend.
     "Fine." Chara said turning red. She turned and showed him her mark.
     "Wow, Chara. I never pictured you as a player." He teased his sister.
     "Shut up!" She snapped at him.
     "How are you alive Goriel? I mean I'm thankful but..." He trailed off.
     The other four exchanged glances deciding who would tell him.

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