New clothes

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"I'm freezing!" Chara ran over and cuddled into me and Frisk. It is snowing. I'm not used to having anybody to worry about.
"OMG! I'm so, so sorry! I wasn't thinking about it. My body's used to the cold." Frisk said taking her jacket off. I wrapped my arms around Chara.
"I'm sorry. Because of my fur I didn't realize." I felt Chara snuggle up to me.
"Here." Frisk was holding out her jacket to Chara. Chara took it and put it on.
"Let's go back to your house." I suggested.   
    Chara nodded agreement. I walked back with my arms wrapped around Chara. She was in front of me holding hands with Frisk. She was shivering.
     When we walked into Frisk's house Twila was sitting near the door. She looked up.
     "I'll go make some hot chocolate. Got sit by the heater." Twila said as she walked into the kitchen.
     I walked and sat in front of the heater. Chara came and sat on my lap. I hugged her and she leaned the back of her head on my shoulder. She was shaking violently.
     Twila came back with three cups of hot chocolate. She drank hers quickly. I let her have mine.after the hot chocolate her shivering died down, it was only very slight. A few minutes later her temperature was back to normal.
     "Hey Asriel, Chara, can you come here?" Twila's voice rang from the other room.
     "I have to do something, I'll be back." Frisk started climbing the stairs.
     Me and Chara walked to the other room. There were skirts, shorts, pants, shirts, and dresses lying around the room.
     "These are yours Chara(she motioned to a pile). And these are yours Asriel(motioned to the other pile." Twila smiled.
     "You didn't have to do that!" She made all these clothes, I could tell.
     "It's really easy to do with magic and I like sewing." Twila explained.
     "Thank you, Twila!" Chara ran over and hugged her.
     "Well try something on." Twila said.
     I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt with a beautiful pattern on. I walked towards the bathroom to change.
I watched Asriel walk away. I turned around and looked through the pile of clothes. I found a dress that was a dazzling pink, the same color of my eyes. It was gorgeous.
"I made that for formal or special occasions." Twila explained. I hurriedly took off my shirt and pulled the dress on. It fell to my ankles. She looked down it fit her perfectly.
"Thank you so, so, so , so much." I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I had never owned anything so beautiful.
     "Here." Twila's hand was out stretched toward to kitchen.
     She moved her hand toward herself. A stream of water came from the kitchen, floating in midair. It settled itself in the air in front of me. I could see my reflection. I looked gorgeous, not like my usual self.
     I took it off, like she said it was for formal occasions. I changed into a plaid skirt and a black shirt with a crimson red rose. The rose was the same color of Darkness's eyes. I also put on a pair of black stockings. Her black combat books went with her outfit perfectly. She also found a black pair of fingerless gloves. I looked at my reflection and smiled.
I heard foot steps and turned around Asriel was walking towards them.
"You finally got your hair right?" I teased. But, really why took him so long.
"No, I had to cut a tail hole." Asriel said.
"I'm so sorry I didn't know you had a tail." Frisk defiantly got her kindness from her mother.
"No it's fine. Really." He smiled.
Frisk came back down. Asriel started cutting tail holes in his shorts and pants. Frisk started playing with my hair, it felt nice.
She pulled a plaid hat out of the pile and set it next to her. She pulled me onto her lap and, started braiding my hair. They were small thin braids that were tied off with black ribbons. When she was done with my hair she put the hat on my head. She ran over to a nearby drawer and pulled out a mirror. I looked great.
I started massaging her shoulders. I ended up massaging her back, forehead, feet and many other places as well.
Twila eventually called us all over for dinner. Her lasagna was amazing.
So Frisk got her eyes and most of her personality from her mom, as well as her cooking abilities. Besides appearance is Frisk anything like her father?
Frisk had her father's brown hair and tan skin (her mom was almost as pale as snow). Although there was one aspect of Frisk's personality I had yet to see in her mother. Frisk's flirtyness. There was also that over protecting vibe Frisk had maybe she got those from her father?
During dinner Twila asked me about my parents. I didn't like the subject, but it was a good way for Frisk and Azzy to figure out.
"I don't really remember. My earliest memory was after I was adopted into the science clan." I explained.
"What even happened to the science clan?" Twila's curiosity was natural.
Well, here's the perfect chance to tell Azzy what you did.
You mean what you did. Darkness one of these days I will figure you out.
I didn't wait for her response, "Well... i guess I'll begin with my first memory that's when it stated after all."
I took a deep breath and began, "I wasn't their flesh and blood so they thought I was the perfect candidate. They put me to sleep. When I worked up I was strapped to a table, a bandanna tied around my face, it was in my mouth."

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