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                                           *Rell's POV*
     "I'll do anything to make up for it. I wish I hadn't been born because of the pain my life has caused. I want to undone everything that I did." I couldn't stop the words from following from my mouth. This subject has been left untouched so long it's built up and now I have to let it all out.
     My guilt, self-hate, self-blame, and self-pity. I felt guilty because of what I had done. I also felt guilty for Chara blaming herself.
     I'm sorry for making-
     It's fine I don't blame myself. Or you. I blame the setting.
     You should blame me I'm responsible
     No you're not you can't lie to me so I know how bad you feel and nobody ever does something they'll regret for the rest of their life. At least not on purpose that is. Mistakes happen, you were in a new body and you were probably scared.
     That's no excuse for what I have done. I know that I didn't do it but I'm still responsible. Whatever did that is still a part of me.
     But like you said its not you and there was nothing you could have done.
     You have a point I did everything I could.
     She left me alone after that.
     "If there is anything to do to make up for it tell me." It wasn't my fault but I'm doing this so I can let go of my self-hate.
     "Well........." His voice trails off.
     He walks up to me and whisper in Chara's ear.
     "I do want to go out with Riley but...."He trails off again.
     Chara you thinking what I'm thinking?
     You mean that you want to set Riley up on a blind date but rig it so no matter what he picks he goes on a date with Casper?
     "I'll make it happen but I'll need a few days." I whisper to Casper.
     "Deal." He whispered back.
     OMG matchmaking!?
     Really Frisk
     Yeah why?
     I'm great at matchmaking! For a while I wanted to do it for a living. I don't anymore but, it's still fun.
     That'll be helpful.
     I'll plan everything! 
     Can you give us some head space now?
     Kay bye
     That was very crowded
     I'm happy she was in my-our head.
     I was too but that was just too crowded.
     Are you claustrophobic?
     You can have control now I'm gonna take a nap
     I was vaguely aware of Chara, Azzy, and Frisk making plans in a room without anyone else in it.
     Frisk left to "deal with the guards".
     Me and Chara were supposed to get close to Riley.
     Azzy was supposed to hang out with Casper.
     When I woke up from my nap Chara and Casper were laughing.
     "Alright here's another. What'd the corn say to its neighbor?... I'm stalking you." Casper said. Chara started laughing harder.
     Chara do the knock knock joke I showed you a few days ago.
     "Why'd the chicken cross the road?"
     "To get to the other side." Riley said.
     "No to get to the tsundere's house." She had changed it, I had said loser.
     "Knock knock?" Chara asked.
     "Who's there?" Riley
     "The chicken."
     "I'm not a tsundere." He said.
     "Well, who do you like? I promise I won't tell anyone." You could hear the truth in her voice. She wouldn't tell anyone. I could tell anyone and everyone.
     "Fine it's Casper." He whispered.
     "OMG! That's adorable! New OTP!" She squealed.
     "OTP?" Riley asked.
     "One true pair." Chara explained.
     "Oh." Riley commented.
     "Luckily for my poor little fangirl heart I can do something to make it cannon. Casper also wants to date you. That's what he whispered in my ear earlier." Chara said.
     Riley just stared strait ahead.
     Chara I think you broke him.
     Give it a moment to sink in. He'll be fine.
     "What!?" He demanded.
     "Your senpai likes you back." Chara dumbed down.
     He started making that sound that Chara makes when she fangirls. She calls it "squee"ing.
     She started "squee"ing with him.
     Chara you need to stop.
     You don't understand. I can't.
     Fine I'll take control.
     "Come on." I took his hand and started walking. He stopped "squee"ing.
     I knocked on the door and Azzy told us to come in.
     Riley ran over and sat next to Casper.
     "Cas-" Riley was cut off by his crush kissing him.
     I let Chara have control since she had stopped fangirling.
     "Azzy~" Chara leaned towards him. He kissed her.
     I stopped paying attention. I took another one of my naps when I woke up we were all continuing on.

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