Chapter Five

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Derek Changed to a wolf and back a couple of times, getting it down. Then Jacob, Derek, and I headed back to the house. All seemed fine and well until I heard gunshots. We rushed back to the house to see a fight going on, with lots of fires. Jacob ran to help the other werewolves, and so did Derek. Liz appeared.

"Liz, go do what you can and help them please!" I was panicking, what if Derek got hurt?! I remembered what Alice said about their being dead bodies, and I used all my willpower to summon some of them. Soon enough there were two mountain lions and a grizzly bear helping out in the fight.

Once the dead animals came into play, the other side started running. Soon it was just us.

"Okay, we need to figure out who's all here or not." It turned out that in order to kill a vampire, you needed to rip their body pieces from them-better to be their head-and burn them. So that's why there were fires. Carlisle, Alice, Bella, Emmett, and Tanya were the only vampires left. And Renesmee. So Kate, Garrett, Esme, Jasper, Edward, and Rosalie were dead.

Candice and Callista were still alive, but then again, one could disappear and the other had a force field. Derek, Tori, Simon, and I were fine. But Lauren and Kit didn't make it.

Jacob was okay. Paul, Sam, Embry, and Quil all died. Leah and Seth were okay though, along with Jared. Emily, Sam's mate, took her life because he died. But since Jared was okay, so was Kim. But this meant one thing.

We were going to have to move again.

The werewolves couldn't come with us, because they had to protect their village. I understood that. And Nessie couldn't leave Jacob, and Bella and Edward couldn't leave Nessie. The other vampires, the Cullens and Tanya, couldn't leave Bella and Edward. So it was just Simon, Tori, Derek, Candi, Calli, and me leaving.

We decided to go to a place called Badger Lake, Canada. Across the border. There was a safe house there with now not extinct anymore supernaturals. There was eight of them. Four skinwalkers, two benandanti's, a xana, and a sileni.

When we finally got to where we were supposed to be, a guy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin answered the door. He smiled when he saw us.

"You guys must be the new supernaturals. My name's Daniel, 16, I'm a benandanti. I think you guys already know what that is, right?" We nodded. "Okay, well, why don't you come on in?" When we got in, all the supernaturals were in the living room, waiting.

"Okay, so you already know Daniel. I'm his girlfriend, Maya. I'm a skinwalker and I'm sixteen." This was said by a girl with long black hair, and amber eyes, and she also had tan skin. Maya and Daniel looked so cute together. After Maya was a guy with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and lightly tanned skin.

"I'm Ashton, but call me Ash. I'm 16, Maya's twin brother, so I'm obviously a skinwalker."

"I'm Rafe, 16, skinwalker. And this is my older sister Annie, she's 20, and also a skinwalker." Rafe had tanned skin, dark brown hair and eyes. Annie was the same, but her hair was curly. After them was a girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

"My name's Hayley, and I'm 16. I'm a xana." After her was a guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.

"I'm Corey, 16, and I'm a sileni." Last was a girl with short black hair, blue eyes, and freckles on her face. She had this tough girl look.

"I'm Sam, 16, benandanti. And I'm bi." She said simply.

"I'm Tori, 15, and I'm a witch. And I have a killer energy ball, so don't make me mad. Also, I'll be prone to sneaking up on you, seeing as I have a wicked blur spell." Tori held up an energy ball while saying this, sparks zinging through her hair. Everyone moved away a bit, well, the others did.

"I'm Simon, 15, and Derek is my foster brother. I'm a sorcerer." Simon looked a little dejected. I wonder why.

"I'm Chloe, 15, and I'm a necromancer. Callista and Candice are my sisters. Also, I'm Derek's mate, so don't even try to take him from me." I threatened. Derek was mine. And I was his. Derek smiled when I said that I was his mate. I'm glad the idea made him so happy.

"I'm Derek, 16, and I'm a werewolf. Don't try to take Chloe from me, you'll regret it if you so much as breathe around her the wrong way." Dang, he was way better at threatening people. But I liked his possessiveness of me, he was mine and I was his.

"Hey, I'm Candice. Callista and Chloe are my bestest friends, and also my sisters. I'm a necromancer, and I also have this Cheshire Cat like power. I can disappear and reappear." Candice showed them what she meant. Next was Calli.

"Heya guys. I'm Callista, with the bestest sisters in the world, Candi and Clover. I'm also a necromancer, and I have a force field power." Callista threw up a force field for demonstration. "So you can physically attack me, but your magic won't affect me if I throw it up. So a werewolf in wolf mode can't hurt me, because they're using there power. A xana singing can't affect me because of the force field." After that, we were seperated into our rooms.

Simon and Corey were bunking together. They were like instant best friends, they got along so well. Daniel and Derek were bunking together too, they also got along, but not as well as Simon and Corey. Ash and Rafe had already been sharing a room, and they weren't too happy with the arrangement. Hayley and Tori were sharing a room. They were both nice when they wanted to be, and also not so nice too. Since our boyfriends were sharing a room, Maya and I decided to share a room too. Right across from theirs. Candi and Calli were together, since it'd always been them since that day they were taken away from me. That left Annie and Sam, they didn't really care about being together.

"Do you know why Ash and Rafe don't like sharing a room?" I asked. "I don't mean to pry, I'm just curious." Maya made a face.

"Well, when I met my brother that I didn't even knew I had for most of my life, Rafe was my boyfriend. Ashton didn't really like him all that much. To tell the truth, Ash doesn't really like anybody. But he hated Rafe more than anyone else." She explained. I guess that made sense. "I wouldn't be surprised if Ashton still didn't like Rafe because of that reason."

"So he's a grudge holder?" I chuckled. Maya grinned.

"I guess you could say that. But he's not too bad, he just need to learn how to trust a little more."

"Sounds like a perfect match for Derek. He has trust issues too."

"It's all how people were raised, I guess. But I'm going to go downstairs, it was nice meeting you Chloe." Maya left, leaving me alone. I finished unpacking all my stuff, then went to find Derek. I found him in his bedroom, alone. I tried to sneak up on him, but it was fruitless.

"Chloe, baby, you can't scare a werewolf." I sighed. He didn't even turn around, and already he knew it was me.

"I'm going to one of these days. But how did you know it was me, and not someone else?" I asked, sitting down on his lap.

"You're the quietest. Probably from your smallness." I punched him in the arm. "My little dwarf."

"I'm not small!" I pouted. Derek made a point of looking down at me. "Fine, so I'm shorter than you, doesn't mean anything! I'm tall, you're just taller." Derek sighed.

"Chloe, your sisters, who share your blood, are taller than you. I'm pretty sure you're the smallest one here. But don't worry, you're also the quietest besides me and the cats." I smiled, that made me feel a tiny bit better. I leaned up and pressed my lips to Derek's. His automatic response was to slide his tongue in my mouth.

"Oh god, this is the second couple I've walked into today that were sucking each other's faces off. Our house used to be so clean!" I heard Ash complain, standing in the doorway. Derek growled at him.

"If you don't want to watch, you can always go away." He snapped. Ash glowered at him before walking off. I wonder who else was kissing, but I was soon occupied by Derek's lips on mine, his tongue in my mouth. 


Yes, I know, you hate me. I killed Edward Cullen. But that's kind of how I am and it's my story so-too bad if you don't like it. 

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