Chapter Eight

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I went outside to go get some fresh air. And to get away from all the noise in the house. All that making out and stuff. Corey and Tori recently got together. I don't think Hayley's particularly fond of the arrangement. She's had a crush on Corey since forever. I've always wondered why she hasn't told him.

"Annie, where are you going? C'mon, we should go talk to the new people!" I heard Rafe call. He just didn't get it. I wanted to be alone from all the crazy things. I didn't like these new people, I didn't want them intruding in our lives. It wasn't fair that they go to mess everything up. My perfect life.

"I don't want to. I just want to be by myself for a little while. I think I'm going to Shift soon, and I don't want to do it in the house." I lied. Sure, I was going to Shift soon, but in about two days. It's not like I really had to go outside, I just didn't want to. And I felt bad about lying to my brother, but he lies to me all the time.

"Annie, just for a little bit?" Rafe pulls on the perfect "poor kitty" look. It always worked on me, making me feel bad. But not today. I had a good excuse.

"I refuse to go back to the make out house." I stated. "That's all you can hear, whether it's future parents, Daniel and Maya, Callista and Simon, or Tori and Corey. It's terrible in there. I have been mentally scarred for life walking in on people." It was very true. Walking in on Chloe and Derek when they were both naked, walking in on Corey sucking Tori's face off, walking in on Callista and Simon without their shirts on. It was enough to scar anyone for life. Rafe chuckled.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. But it's not so bad, is it? Just don't open any shut doors, and you'll be fine. And if there's a closed door with moaning behind it, just walk away as fast as you can. I learned that the hard way." Rafe made a face. I wonder what and who he walked in on. Most likely Chloe and Derek, they weren't able to keep their hands off each other. Or maybe Simon and Callista. Those two weren't that bad, they watched a lot of the home videos, but it was always not worth it when you interrupted them. Callista always hit somebody once a day with a force field for interrupting her and Simon. It was quite funny, when it wasn't happening to you.

"Okay, well, I'm to go for my walk now." I dashed through the woods, weaving in and out of trees. Rafe would have no chance following me. I jumped, turning into a cougar. There was no way he could catch me now, he didn't know how to Shift on command. Only Maya and I could do it, and Maya probably would let me go run off my energy.

Even though Maya and Rafe had broken up, she was still like a sister to me. And she and Rafe were like a brother and sister. Ash liked me well enough, but he couldn't get along with Rafe. With all the noobs, though, things had changed. Ash didn't get along with anyone now, except Maya. He was more reserved. So was I. Rafe was chasing after that Candice girl. I couldn't believe she was related to Chloe. Chloe was so sweet and innocent, always caring about others. Candice was the opposite. She wore too much make-up, was a complete witch, wore flashy outfits, and didn't help anyone unless it benefited her.

Callista was more like Chloe. I liked her okay. Derek was a pretty reserved person, not talking much. Simon was outgoing, really nice too. Tori was like Hayley, a witch, yet still a caring person inside. The one thing I was worried about was how Chloe being pregnant was going to affect us. Especially since she was going to have twins.

I mean, we were on the run from people. Well, they were. How was Chloe going to handle two kids, even with Derek's help? I think she should just get an abortion, it would make life so much simpler. Sure, she'd feel bad because that's the kind of person she is, but she'd get over it. And she could always have kids later when she wasn't being chased by people that want to kill her.

I snuck into my room and Shifted back. Then I put some clothes on. I hoped Rafe wasn't mad. I didn't mean to make him mad at all, I just needed some alone time. Why couldn't anybody see that?

I layed down on my bed, taking a long nap. 

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