Chapter Sixteen

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This starts when Snow comes bursting in the room when Derek and Chloe are kissing. In Derek's POV. Nuffink belongs to me except the characters I made. And I'm sorry to say Snow is on of them. But on with the story! 


I dragged Chloe to our room, kissing her. I was going to establish the fact that I was Chloe's and she was mine. Establishing territory. I flicked my tongue along Chloe's lips, then into her mouth. She moaned, which made me growl. She took my shirt off, and I decided if mine was going, hers was as well. I reluctantly stopped kissing her to kiss her neck. More specifically, the Marked mate spot that I dubbed on her. She moaned when I bit down on it. I didn't even notice when Snow entered, until she growled when she saw us.

"You can't have him. He's mine." Snow whined. "I can feel it, the pull. I bet he feels it too and he's using you for benefits." Chloe glowered at her, while I stayed in Chloe's neck. I didn't want to accidentally kill her because she was too stupid to wrap her head around the fact that Chloe was mine.

"If that was true then he wouldn't stick around for Joey and Lila." Chloe snapped back. Snow looked like she had been slapped across the face.

"Chloe, you're such a stupid, dense, naive little necro. Raising the dead for your own purposes, how awful. Derek probably hates you, but you have him brainwashed, under your stupid necro spell. You're a monster, an abomination that was never meant to live. And I'll show you how to give a guy a good time." How could she say that? Before I could say or do anything, Snow grabbed me, pushing me into a wall. She pinned my hands above my head, and kissed me. She forced her tongue into my mouth, and I couldn't push her away without doing something awkward.

Chloe growled, and ripped Snow off of me.

"How can you not see that he's mine? I carried his babies in me for four months, and I'm pregnant again!" I'm having more kids? "So you don't get to kiss him, or touch him, or think about him!" Chloe screeched.

Derek, are you okay? She, she, I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE DID THAT! Chloe, how did you manage to get her off me? She's stronger than even me! I don't know, all I know is that I saw red and had to get you off of her! Why, did you not want me to save you? No, I'm glad you got her off of me. I'm just surprised is all.

"Ugh, whatever. I'll make Derek see that he's MINE!" Snow growled, shoving Chloe into a wall. That was about three yards away from her. She crashed into a picture, glass falling everywhere. Snow threw me on the bed, kissing me, taking off her shirt, and trying to take my pants off. Chloe got up and knocked Snow off of me. I was still dazed that Snow tried to do that.

Snow grabbed a piece of glass off the floor. She went after Chloe, trying to cut her with it. That's all it took, and I flew at her, punching her.

"DON'T HURT MY MATE!" I roared, seeing red. Snow got up, and I saw that her eyes were glowing pure silver. She ran head first at me, knocking me into a wall.

"DEREK!" Chloe cried, rushing to my side. I whimpered in frustration and pain. Annie came bursting in. When she saw me, she came over, looking me over.

"He'll be fine. With his fast werewolf healing, he'll live." She then backed out of the room again. "I don't want to get in the middle of this, so, BYE!" Snow turned on Chloe, and managed to cut her arm with a sharp piece of glass. Chloe cried out, and I felt so bad that I couldn't get up and help her.

"Look, so defenseless, a little glass cut hurts you. Poor baby Chloe, worried Derek wants me, so she's brainwashing him again. Well, ya little witch, he's mine, and always will be. I can feel the bond, the mate bond. He's not your mate, he's mine." I felt terrible, pain all over, emotional and physical. Something floated in the air, and hit Snow. Multiple times until she was knocked out. I limped over to Chloe, sitting down.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she nodded. "That was Liz wasn't it?" Another nod, and I couldn't find anything to say. "Can you please say something?" I begged. Chloe sighed, and scooted closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, her head against on my chest.

"Are you okay? You were the one who was thrown into a wall." She commented. I laughed.

"So were you. I'd say we're both equally fine." I bent down to kiss her. I slid my tongue in her mouth, and she moaned, moving to sit on my lap. Hers and my shirts were already off. Not much else to do. And I almost got, well, I'd rather not think about it.

"Ummm, excuse me, mind not doing that in front of me?" Lila said, coming in. I smiled at her as she crawled onto the bed. "Remember, no glove no love." She giggled. How could a three year old possible know what that meant? I had no idea.

"Lila, have you been talking to Auntie Tori again?" Chloe asked, putting her shirt back on and sitting by our daughter. "You know you shouldn't listen to her." I pulled my shirt on reluctantly, sitting on the other side of Lila.

"Calli sent us a video." She said, jumping down from the bed and going into the living room. I took Chloe's hand, and we went to go watch it.

"Okay, welcome to the Supernatural Show!" A young Tori introduced. So we were going to be putting on a show. "We have a witch, two sorcerers, a shaman, a fire half demon, a volo half demon, two water half demons, three necromancers, two werewolves, a vampire, and a werefox. First our two sorcerers will put on a show." A little Simon and another young boy came on stage. The littler boy could be recognized as Peter. If Simon was four, then Peter was two.

They said some stuff, and a whole bunch of lights lit up the sky. Chloe oohed, and Lila and Joey giggled. After the light show, and injured animal was brought onto the stage we built. Mila came over, healing it. Rae made fire, Liz moved things with her mind, and Tori played with energy balls, juggling them. After that, who I assume was Brady and Amber went to show us how water demon stuff worked. After that was Chloe and her sisters. Then there was me, and a girl with pink hair and blue eyes. Fenris. She had grown up with us? After that was Elu and Snow. So they had grown up with us too.

"TA-DA!" Our younger selves said, bowing. There was no clapping, because we performed that for stuffed animals. That was the end of that home video. It wasn't very long, but it was cute, watching us put on a show like that.

Chloe was smiling, a hand on her stomach. Oh right. I completely forgot that she was pregnant. Again.

"Chloe, can I talk to you upstairs?" I muttered. Chloe looked up at me, shock written on her baby blues. But she nodded, leading us upstairs. She sat down on our bed, eyeing me warily.
"Yes?" She prompted. I sighed, and pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"So you're pregnant again?" I asked. Chloe sighed, then snorted. "What's so funny about me asking you if I'm having more kids?"

"Couldn't you smell it on me? That I was pregnant, I mean. You were able to the first time." Oh. I tentatively smelt the air, and sure enough, there was a different scent on Chloe. If I listened, I could hear three heartbeats coming from inside Chloe, not including her own. She was going to have triplets this time.

"I guess I was too distracted by almost losing you to notice. But you're going to have triplets this time." I said, and Chloe leaned back into me, sighing contentedly. A little while later, soft snoring starting up. Chloe was asleep. I heaved her off of me, and layed her down on the bed. As much as I would love to have held her the whole time she was sleeping, we had kids. "Night Chlo." I murmured, kissing her forehead.

I went to go get Joey and Lila, they didn't get much sleep last night because the visitors had come at around three in the morning. It was now officially noon, which would probably explain why Chloe was tired too.

"Nap time Daddy?" Joey asked sleepily, reaching up to let me know he wanted me to hold him. I picked him up, and he rested his head on my shoulder, out like a light. Lila had put herself to bed, but she was still awake, waiting for Joey. As soon as he was in his bed, she relaxed and was out in a second. They had such a strong brotherly sisterly bond, and I loved my children for it.

I decided to go talk to someone or maybe get something to eat. Actually, something to eat sounded good. I made my way down to the kitchen, and I made myself a sandwich. I had just finished my fifth sandwich when a scream sounded. Chloe's scream. 

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