Chapter Eleven Three years later

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Another new home. More supernaturals. More complaining. And we just got over more loss. Maya and the rest had left us. Reese, Callista's friend, had come. She was a witch. Lila and Joey were three years old. Well, would be in about a week. I wanted to do something special for them, because they had been good even through everything we had to go through.

We were driving towards the new house. There weren't any other supernaturals here, so we were going to be like an actual family. There were five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, and a pool downstairs. Derek and I would share a room, Joey and Lila would share a room, Reese and Tori would share a room, Simon and Callista would share a room, and the extra one would be a guest bedroom.

Derek pulled into the driveway of our new house. Carefully and quietly, Tori, Calli, and Simon got our stuff while Derek and I grabbed our kids. We laid them down then got everything settled. It was quite a nice house, once everything was cleaned up.

"Mommy, where are we?" I looked to see Lila in the hallway, clutching her blanket and stuffed puppy. I smiled and went to pick her up.

"We're at our new house." I told her, showing her around. She laid her head on my shoulder and looked around. Her favorite room was the pool room, because she loved the water. Her curly blonde hair was about halfway down her back, and her green eyes always shone with brightness. When we saw Callista, Lila went into her arms instead.

"Auntie, where Daddy?" She asked. Callista smiled at her.

"Daddy's cleaning the house, moró. I'll let him know you're awake." Calli promptly handed Lila back to me and went to find Derek. Lila rubbed her eyes sleepily, and laid her head back down on my shoulder.

Lila's awake? Derek asked me through mind speak. I loved the whole thing, it meant no one could listen in to our conversations. Yeah, but I think she's still tired. Or maybe it's that feeling you get right after you wake up. What feeling? Never mind.

"Mommy, can I watch tv?" Lila asked, looking at the living room. I set her down and we put on her show. I went to go cook dinner in the kitchen while keeping an eye on my baby girl. Derek came into the kitchen shortly after, Joey joining his sister on the couch. Joey had curly blonde hair with the same green eyes as Lila. You could tell they were twins.

"I can't believe he slept for that long. Considering he had already been out in the car for four hours, and he slept an extra hour." Derek said as he came behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist on rested his chin on my head. "So what're you cooking for dinner?" I glanced up at him. You'll find out once I give it to you. Besides, you probably already know with your wolfie sense of smell. Derek laughed and spun me around to face him. Then he leaned down to kiss me.

"Ewwwwww!" Lila and Joey screeched. I looked to see them standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Daddy, girls got cooties." Joey squealed. "Now you got girl cooties." He giggled and ran into my arms. "But Mommy don't got cooties. At least, not when I hugs her." Lila stood there glaring at Joey.

"Girls don't have cooties! Yucky boys do!" She pouted. Joey stuck his tongue out at his sister. They argued back and forth about whether it's boys or girls that have cooties, while I went back to making dinner. Joey still talked a bit weird, but for the most part, Joey and Lila could talk like normal adults. I wasn't all that surprised, considering the fact that they had a genius werewolf for a father.

Reese walked in, took one glance at the arguing children, and shook her head. Joey and Lila fought constantly. It was a wonder they hadn't murdered each other by now. I always said it was going to happen one day.

I gave them their food to which they were quiet, too busy inhaling their food, just as Daddy taught them. I shook my head and sat down to eat. After dinner, Callista told us she had something to tell us.

"I'm-" She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." I stared at her in shock. My sister was pregnant?! Lila and Joey looked curious. Oh right, they didn't know that word. Simon was beaming, he probably already knew, and Derek looked indifferent, he could probably smell the difference in her scent. Reese looked happy, and Tori looked like she could murder someone. Maybe her monthly friend came for a visit. Or maybe she's in one of her moods.

"What's pregnant mean?" Lila asked. Calli shot a look at me and I nodded. As long as she didn't go into exquisite details that would scar my children even worse, I was completely fine.

"It means that there's a baby in my tummy." Callista explained. Lila and Joey nodded their heads as if that made perfect sense. Lila and Joey went to hug their Auntie Callista, patting her tummy. I hugged Simon and Callista, happy for both of them. Reese almost squeezed the living daylights out of them. Derek even hugged them, which is more than I can say for Tori. She stormed upstairs, making as much racket as she could. Calli gave me a worried look.

"Is Auntie Tori okay?" Joey asked. Everyone assured him that Tori was fine, that she was just taken by surprise was all. I think we were trying to convince ourselves just as much as we were convincing him. We didn't know what was wrong with Tori.

Bedtime rolled around for the kiddies, so we tucked them in. Joey with his green blanket and pug stuffed animal, Lila with her purple blanket and cocker spaniel stuffed animal. Joey had ninja turtle pajamas while Lila had a princess nightgown. They looked so innocent and adorable, and I wanted more kids. Derek and I made such cute babies.

Want more, huh? That can easily be arranged. Oh really? When shall it be arranged? When we finish tucking them in. I kissed the top of Lila's and Joey's head, bading them goodnight.

"Mommy, something bad's gonna happen tonight." Lila whimpered. I sat down besides her and stroked her hair.

"I'm right here baby." She fell asleep instantly afterwards. Derek and I snuck into our room. As soon as the door was closed, Derek's lips were on mine. His tongue snuck into my mouth and I moaned. His shirt came off, as did mine. His lips attached to my neck as- BOOM!

The world went black. 


Cliche, I know. Gotta work on that. 

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