Chapter Twenty-One

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It's been three days, and neither Callista or Chloe has woken up. With Callista it would be natural, since she was probably changing into a vampire. But Chloe should've woken up by now.

Suddenly, Callista bolted up.

"Where am I?" Was her first question. She looked at the sleeping Simon next to her, to the sleeping Chloe next to me on the floor, to me on the floor next to Chloe.

"At the house. Almost everyone's dead. And Snow's still alive, so we still have a person that wants to kill us." I told her. She slumped down, pouty face intact.

"What happened to me? I remember someone screaming, and the pain of feeling like I was burning from the inside out. And an angel's voice, talking to a screeching voice." Calli said, snuggling into Simon.

"Elu bit you, but I don't think you're a vampire. And the angel and screeching were probably Simon and Chloe. Chloe wanted to know what was going on, and she was in full out panic mode. By the way, she's in a coma. I think. She's breathing, but she hasn't gotten up at all in the past three days." Callista nodded, just as Simon woke up.

"Morning Si." She murmured. Simon looked down at her, and jumped when he saw she was awake.

"You're awake." he breathed. Then he pulled her into his chest, hugging her with all his strength. "I thought I lost you Calli." She hugged him back, a smile gracing her lips.

"I'd never willingly leave you Simon. I'll always fight my way back to you." She murmured, and she leaned up to kiss him. I looked away, not wanting to ruin their moment. Of course, I was still keyed up about Snow being alive, losing Zoe, and Chloe being in a coma.

"Ahem, get a room that we don't meet in." Reese snapped, walking in. She'd been pretty bitter since the battle, shutting everyone out. Bree and Chase were mourning their family. And Simon and I were mourning everyone we'd lost. Nessie and Jacob were mourning over their losses too, and they had left to go back to Forks. Ash had committed suicide. He lost everyone in his life, everyone worth living for. It was too much for him.

"Reese, let them have the little happiness they have." Chase said tiredly. They hadn't gotten together at all after Eli's death, but they had grown closer. It was as if they were together, but weren't at the same time. But that changed once Reese became her new, bitter self. The distance grew.

"Whatever." Reese snarled, walking away. Chase sighed, and went after her. It was going to end with Reese screaming, I knew it would. It always did, but Chase kept trying. He wanted happy Reese back, we all did.

"What happened to our Reese? What's happened to everyone? I know we suffered, but we should be trying to stop Snow." Callista said angrily. "And we'll do it by our terms." She was out of bed, already looking through Chloe's clothes, looking for something to wear.

"You're right. We'll have time for moping after we're not being threatened." Simon agreed, getting up. I reluctantly got up to, leaving Chloe on the mattress on the floor. I leaned down close to her, kissing her forehead.

We got ready, getting everyone else ready too. We went to the field where we fought three days before. Callista had a hard expression on her face. Snow appeared, with some people.

"You didn't kill everyone you know. I've still got Kylie, Devin, Fenris, and Ramon." Snow taunted. That was all it took to set Callista off the edge, and we started fighting. I was fighting Ramon, promising myself I would finish what I started. Callista and Snow were fighting, Simon and Devin, Bree, Chase, and Fenris, Reese and Kylie. It was intense battling, and it seemed like we were going to lose.

I saw a girl with red hair heading my way, and I could tell she wasn't completely human. It was that cyborg. I ducked, in time for the bullet that was going to hit me to hit Ramon instead. I saw a floating thing, but didn't think about it. Then I looked at Callista to see her holding a machine gun Snow's way. One gunshot. A second gunshot. And the third hit it's target.

Time slowed down. Actually, it froze. The fighting stopped. And Snow slowly fell to the ground. Dead.

"Third time's a charm." Callista said. Then there was an inhuman screech, and I saw Carli Cyborg running at Calli. She knocked Calli to the ground, and ripped the machine gun out of her hands. Then the cyborg started firing wildly, shooting everywhere. People started dropping to ground, either dead or protecting themselves. Callista threw a force field over Simon, protecting him. Then she threw random force fields at the stupid robot.

Finally, one of them hit the wiring, and the cyborg malfunctioned, dropping to the ground, turned off. I slowly stood up, then slumped back down, pain in my arm. I had been shot. I groaned, then the world went black.

I woke up who knows how long after I passed out. My arm was healed, and Chase was sitting on the couch, looking at the ground.

"What happened?" I asked him. He didn't even look up.

"Bree died. Reese isn't dead yet, but she got a fatal bullet to the head. She's not expected to live. The kids are all safe, sleeping at the moment. Simon and Callista are safe too, but she does have some bruises and stuff from fighting Snow. You've been out for about two days, and Chloe hasn't woken up. We're positive that we managed to kill everyone this time." He looked at me. "They're finally gone, but we don't have many people left to celebrate with us." Chase looked sad, like he was going to cry. I got up carefully, and sat next to him.

"I would tell you it's going to get better from here, but I'm not going to comfort you with lies. I'm going to tell you the cold, hard truth. It might get worse, and it might get better. And we're going to grieve our losses. But we can't keep thinking about the past, or the future. We need to live now, or we're going to miss the only happiness we can get." I told him.

"You know, I think that worked better than you saying you're sorry for my loss, but things will get better." Chase said, cracking a smile. "I just want everyone to be okay now. But even though the danger's passed, we're still worried. Chloe and Reese might die. There are more sadistic people out there. But like you said, we need to focus on now." Chase got up, stretching. I got up too.

"I'm going to visit Chloe. I heard that people in coma's can still hear. And even if she can't hear, I'm telling her everything that happened. You should go talk to Reese, it might be good for you." Chase nodded, walking to where Reese was. I went to my room, where Chloe was now lying on our bed.

"Hey baby." I said sadly. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm still going to talk to you. Callista is okay, in fact, she killed Snow. There aren't many people left, and Zoe died. Reese might die, but I think she might pull through. But if she dies, the only people left are you, me, Chase, Simon, Callista, Lila, Joey, Luke, Aurora, and Tammi. That's the name of Callista and Simon's daughter. She had blonde hair and brown eyes that are almond shaped. Her blonde hair is strawberry blonde like Calli's. She's so sweet and adorable. And I miss you Chloe. I want you to pull through this. I know this sounds cheesy, but I couldn't imagine my life without you anymore, and it's true. You changed me so much, and I never thought that anybody but Dad or Simon could." I sighed, and realized I had started crying.

I missed Chloe. I knew she was okay, as long as she wasn't dead. But I wanted to have an actual conversation with her, not just tell her things she might not hear. I wanted to hear her laugh, see her smile.

"You okay, bro?" I turned to see Simon standing in the doorway. I shook my head, refusing to get out of bed. I wanted to stay by Chloe. "She'll make it through. She's going to fight, and she's going to fight hard. She can make it through this." I hoped Simon was right. 


Ding Dong the witch is dead! Snow had finally died! But will Reese and Chloe make it? I sure hope so! Oh wait, i already know if they will or not! Keep reading to find out ;) 

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