Chapter Thirteen

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The day after Derek and the others came back, I woke up later than usual. Everyone was already up, even sleepyhead Joey. In fact, he and Lila were running around playing tag. Tori and Adam were talking, as were Callista, Simon and Derek. Chase, Elizabeth, and Reese were talking too. Bree was speeding around the house, with Leo firing energy balls at her, trying to hit her. Douglas, Davenport, and Tasha were all in the kitchen, talking and cooking.

I sauntered into the kitchen, smelling the delicious food. I was starving. Reese and Eli had been fighting over Chase, they both liked him. My bet was on Reese. Even though Eli had known him longer, Reese was playing hard to get. Flirting, but withdrawing herself whenever he got to close. It was torturing the poor guy. I could see him falling for her, and falling for her hard and fast. But he was conflicted cause he didn't want to lose Eli as a friend.

"Morning Chlo." Derek said as he came up behind me. "You slept in quite late, it's already lunch time." LUNCH?!?!?!? WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY WAKE ME UP! Derek chuckled. You needed the sleep baby girl. Besides, you're so peaceful when you're sleeping no one wanted to wake you. Humph. You should have woken me up. Lila and Joey are a handful. Nothing I can't handle. Show off.

"Good, you're awake Mommy. Joey was trying to give me cooties! And then Spiky hair over there touched me! Now I have boy cooties!" Lila shrieked, jumping into my arms. I looked over at Chase who looked at me sheepishly.

"All I did was try and give her a hug." Bree stopped running.

"You should know by now that no one likes you. As Lila so wonderfully put, you have cooties." She mocked. Lila giggled and chased Bree around. I could tell they got along quite well. Lila absolutely adored Bree, and Bree was quite good with kids. Chase, on the other hand, got a negative reaction from them. Adam was pretty indifferent.

"C'mon Chase, stop scaring my babies." I mock punched Chase. "I don't want them having nightmares about your face. You guys are our allies." Eli and Reese grinned at me, then glared at each other. They were mortal enemies.

"Momma!" Joey cried, climbing onto my lap. "I miss you. Lila be mean and say I gots cooties! But she's gots cooties, not me!"

"I see. And what else can you tell me?"

"That Chase is a girl in a man's body. And he sings terrible songs in shower, and he wears tutus. That's what Adam tolds me." Joey said, looking very solemn. Adam was laughing his head off, and Chase was fruitlessly trying to hurt him. Everyone else burst out laughing to.

"Chase in a tutu. That must be quite a sight to see." Reese commented in a flirtatious voice. Messing with Chase's head again, I see. Chase blushed, ducking his head. I could see the effect Reese had on him. "Have any pictures, Adam?" I laughed as Chase's face got even redder.

"Welcome to the club of Red Faced Peoples, Chase." I giggled. Chase shot me a shut up look, but it was just too easy to tease him. And I was kind of glad I wasn't the only person who had a blush machine ready to be activated.

"Shut up." He mumbled before disappearing downstairs. Reese smirked at Eli, who proceeded to follow Chase downstairs. Reese just shook her head and sat down by me.

"Hey there little Joey. And little Chloe, I almost forgot about you too." Reese grinned. "I think I got this in the bag. You know, the pizza. I asked for some and I think they put it in a bag." I laughed.

"So you like Chase, huh." It was meant to be a question, but I said it as a statement. "Well, I think that he likes you too. There's just a small matter of Eli liking him too. And he obviously doesn't want to ruin their friendship."

"Who cares? I get what I want, and I want Chase. And it's obvious he wants me, Eli is just in the way. But he's not going to even think about her when I'm through with him." And with that she went downstairs. I kind of felt bad for poor Chase, being toyed with by Reese. But she's got spunk, and you have to admire her for that.

I went to take a shower and get dressed seeing as how everyone else was all ready for the day already. I put my hair into a ponytail so that Joey wouldn't be able to pull on it. I had on a green t-shirt and jeans. When I got back into the living room, things seemed to calm down. Joey and Lila were taking their naps, Tori, Adam, and Bree were talking. Simon and Callista were eating. Reese, Eli, and Chase were still downstairs. And Derek-

"Is right behind you." I turned around to see my werewolf standing right there. He will never cease to stop surprising me like that. Nope. Besides, it's much too easy to scare you, you're so jumpy. It's not fair, I can't scare you at all.

"Okay, when you guys are done making goo-goo eyes at each other, we need to talk." Calli smirked. "We need to a bit more help. Sure, we go bionics and supernaturals, but I think a bit more help would be nice. Maybe we could contact our other friends, Maya, Corey, Annie, Ash, Carlisle, Alice, Bella, Emmett, Tanya, Renesmee, Jared, Kim, Jacob, Leah, and Seth. They could help."

"What are they?" Adam asked.

"One human, one sileni, three skinwalkers, five vampires, one half human half vampire, and four werewolves." Derek said. "If we can get in contact with them, they might be able to help us. We could get another house not too far from here so that half of the people are here, and half of them are at the other house." It was agreed, and we got in contact with our old friends. They all agreed to come and help. Over the phone it was settled that there would be two adults in each house. Douglas and Carlisle in the other house, and Tasha and Mr. Davenport.

With Douglas and Carlisle would be Chase, Bree, Maya, Ash, Bella, Nessie, Jacob, Leah, Seth, Tori, Simon, Callista, and Reese.

With Davenport and Tasha would be Leo, Adam, Corey, Annie, Jared, Kim, Emmett, Alice, Tanya, Derek, Lila, Joey, and me. Elizabeth was going to be staying with her family, and would still visit us. The others went to their house right away, and when the newcomers got here, we would send them to their house if they went their.

So right now it was just Davenport, Tasha, Leo, Adam, Derek, Lila, Joey, and me, because Elizabeth went with the rest. Probably to keep Reese from Chase. Let's just hope she doesn't get on Reese's bad side, or she'll be hit by an energy spell.

"C'mon Chloe, let's go to our bedroom." Derek tugged me to our room, locking the door behind us. I smiled, knowing exactly where this was going.   

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