(1) Big Steps

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Amy turned off the tv as the movie ended. We were having a girls night as Mark and Tyler were off at the office with Ethan working on something. Amy turned to me and gave me a straight face. She knew everything that I was going through since the day my heart broke. It has been awhile since Jack and I broke up. Honestly I miss him but we don't talk like we use to. Our talks are mainly just when we do collabs. He's been doing so many cool new things on his channel and he's gotten back with Signe. Sure that hurt me a bit when I first heard but I was happy that he was happy and that's all that mattered. It wasn't long after I found out that I started to see J-Fred. He was currently helping me move into my own apartment which I got specifically for the amazing office space. Not only was my Youtube channel going well but I was also recently partnered on Twitch. So to improve my work schedule I decided to get my own place with an office.

"So are you going to Cincinnati for the holidays?" Amy asked grabbing her almost empty cup of hot chocolate. I nod slowly, "Yeah. Molly and Wade asked me to stop by too. J-Fred wanted me to stay in town since he has Christmas dinner at his house but I think going home will do me some good." Amy nods in agreement and stood taking out cups going to the kitchen to make us more hot chocolate. I followed her to the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"I may or may not have heard about Wade and Molly hosting a Christmas party." Amy glanced over at me then over at Chica who was laying by the porch door. I nod and smile softly. "Including Secret Santa, a hidden Mistletoe, and a visit from Santa Claus." I shook my head thinking of the conversation I had with Molly last night. Amy leaned over the counter, narrowing her eyes. "You're hiding something." My eyes widened at her accusation as a nervous laugh escaped my mouth. Amy looked at me waiting for me to explain. I took my breath and looked at my lap.

"Y/N what's wrong?" She asked softly walking over to my side. I looked up at her fighting the feeling of my eyes wanting to water. Amy wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. "He's going to be there Amy. They both are and I'm going to be all alone.." I mumbled. I'm sure she knew who I was talking about. She always knew it was Jack without me saying his name. "Shh it's going to be okay sweetie," Amy comforted me. I was about to say something else when there was a knock on the door which caused Chica to bark. Amy told me to stay there and went to answer the door, Chica at her side.

A few moments later J-Fred comes into the kitchen. I look over and smile a little. Joey smiles and walks over giving me a hug. "Hey sweetheart. I have some things I want to talk to you about." I look up at him a bit confused. "Well you see I kinda talked to my family and Matt said he can take over Christmas dinner so I can come with you," J-Fred smiles. I smile and hug him, "I'm so glad you can come with." Maybe with Joey there seeing Jack with Signe won't hurt as much...or at least I could hope for that.

Joey stepped back and smiled down at me. I looked up at him confused and he grabbed my hand before taking me outside to his car. "I know we haven't been together long but I know how much you love Chica and Cali so I kinda got you.." He stopped talking and opened his car door revealing a very excited pug puppy. "Joey!" I squealed and picked up the small puppy. It was an adorable black pug that reminded me a bit of a tiny Edgar. I headed inside with him and Joey followed right behind me. "Bryan already said that he'll dog sit for us while we are gone." He informed although I was too busy cooing over the little puppy. "I'm going to name you Toothless. Yes you shall be my little nightfurry." I said to the puppy who just licked my cheek in response.

I went to show Amy before going back to J-Fred and going over the travel details with him. Joey stayed until Tyler and Mark got home. After Joey left I handed Toothless over to Amy while I went to call my mom and let her know that Joey was going to be joining us for Christmas this year. Once I told her I went to post a picture of my new pug on Instagram and Twitter. Sure it might be a big step for Joey to get me a pug and many would say that he was trying to hint at something but that's not Joey and I know that. Honestly Joey and I have had late night talks about how we aren't even sure we will last because we are such great friends. The true test will be over the holidays together.. 

A/N: Sorry it took so long and its a bit short but MERRY CHRISTMAS! I am still a bit unhappy with this chapter but I'm going to work with it and I promise this story will have a happy ending. A very happy ending.

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