(17) It's a...

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A/N: So I totally waited for this chapter for a reason. So as of the day I posted my last chapter my older male cousins (who since I don't have any siblings is like my brothers) both announced within the same week that they were both expecting babies! Now through comments one thing will be set and small spoiler, the baby will be called Sam. But based off of the gender reveal of my cousins that is how I decided the gender of the baby in this story. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT GENDER. From after this chapter on I will be doing everything I can to write anything portraying to the baby by name or using gender neutral pronouns. So after another long wait here is the chapter.

After returning from Pax Jack an I created a new channel just for vlogs which was updated about once a week giving updates out the baby or what we were doing around the house. Lately it was alot about the nursery, which by the amazing help of Malcolm, the nursery was up. Today Jack and I were very excited because we were going to find out the gender. Jack had the vlog camera and we were on the way to the doctor's office. Jack held my hand as we made our way there.

We checked in at the reception desk and waited a few minutes till we were called back. A nurse checked my vitals as usual before asking Jack to leave the room momentarily while they got me ready for the ultrasound. After I was set up Jack came back in and joined me by my side. He took my hand right away and smiled at me. We turned to the ultrasound technician who was grabbing the gel from what looked to be a tub of water. "We use warm water to warm up the gel." The tech explains seeing us watching before she opens the bottle and squeezed out the appropriate amount onto my small baby bump. She grabbed the hand held arm thing and pressed it into the gel and started to move it around to find the baby. She stopped on a small pulse and turned the screen. "That is your baby's heartbeat." She stated and I knew without looking that Jack was smiling just as much as I was.

She moved around again before stopping. "There are the little feet." I giggle softly and look over at Jack who raised my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. I could feel the tech moving again before asking, "You would like to know the gender correct?" Jack nods his head quickly and answers with a solid and excited 'yes'. The tech guided our attention to the screen and to where she was pointing. "If you look right here you can see that your baby is a.." she was cut off suddenly by Jack who called out in a cracking voice, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh. It's a... It's a boy!" If I wasn't smiling enough before my smile grew larger and my cheeks were going to hurt but seeing Jack so excited and happy that he was holding in tears made me feel like I was flying. The tech confirmed his observation and finished the examination. When we left Jack and I were holding a video of the baby and some pictures. On the way home we stopped to pick up things for the gender reveal video we were going to be making that afternoon when Felix and Marzia come over for a late lunch.

As soon as the video was made. We worked together to edit and get the video up in record time. As soon as the video was up I started up my twitch stream to get more of a one on one with fans. Jack sat with me as we talked to our ohana. We confirmed that we were having a baby boy. "I loved how the paint got all over Jack and not on (Y/N)." Jack read the comment with a small frown. For the video we filled a large black balloon with blue paint and on the count of three we popped the balloon. Due to Felix and Jack playing catch with the balloon before the video all the paint shifted to one side which ended up being above Jack. Watching all the positivity in the chat and in the video comments it just made me glow with happiness as I rubbed the baby bump. This is my family, my ohana and I couldn't be happier.

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now