(7) The Wedding

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back its really nice. So I want to give you a little sneak peek into my mind we are on chapter 7 of what hopefully with be a 22 chapter long book. So this will be here for a while.BUT after this is done I will be starting a new story with either Markiplier or JFred or maybe even Ethan? I am still undecided at the moment. Also for those who don't know a boutonnier is the little flower thing that guys have pinned to their tux. But back to the regularly scheduled update! Enjoy~

Today was the day. Wade and Molly were going to be married and I honestly couldn't be more happy for them. The girls were up beyond early and if it wasn't for the beloved creation of coffee I wouldn't be able to keep up with all of them. Yesterday we got our nails done. First thing when we woke up we were off to the salon to get our hair done. As soon as we were done with out hair we finally got to go and get some food. The whole morning I was secretly snapchatting, being super careful that Molly was not seen in any. After all the groom can't see the bride before the wedding.

After getting food we headed to the venue where the guys were just starting to arrive. The other girls went to get Molly inside before Wade seeing her as I went over to distract them. "Hey lads how you feeling this morning?" I asked with a smile, not my usual bright smile because I was still a bit tired. "We're good sis. Wade's a bit nervous but we're good." Mark says as he stretched. I nod and went over to Wade to give him a hug. "You're going to be amazing just focus on Molly she'll be the gorgeous one in white." I whispered to Wade which made him chuckle.I looked at the guys and spotted Jack holding a Starbucks cup so I slowly stepped over to him and took the cup out of his hand to take a sip before placing it back. Jack chuckled at that with a smile.

"Well gentlemen I best be heading inside I have a bride to help and make up to do and a dress to get into. Also someone besides Wade come get me when you're done getting dressed so I can come give each of you your boutonniere," I told them slowly walking backwards to head inside. "We will go do your girls stuff," Mark nods, waving me off. I nod, turning on my heal to go inside and finish getting ready. I was dressed with make up one when Mark came to get me. I slipped on the shoes that went with my dress and grabbed the box of boutonnieres before following Mark back to the guys. I walk in and see all the guys sitting around chatting sipping water. I walk to Wade first and place his boutonniere and fixed his tie a bit. I did Bob's and Mark's and went over to Jack who wasn't wearing his tie yet. "Wubbwub?" Jack asked,calling me by the old nickname. I smile and set down the boutonniere. Grabbing the tie from his hands I helped Jack put it on before putting on the boutonniere. "You look beautiful (Y/N).." Jack whispers into my ear which made me use every being in my not to blush as I look up at him and smile. "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself Sean." I tried not to but I looked into those blue eyes of his and I felt stuck in the moment. A knock on the door followed by Molly's sister calling my name caught my attention. I excused myself and went back to the girls with Molly'sister who was slightly panicked because Molly's hair wasn't holding after they put on the dress. Me planning ahead already though of that and pulled out hair pins and hairspray to fix the problem. After that was done it was nearly time to start. Each bridesmaid grabbed their bouquet and went out to their paired groomsman.

**Time Skip to after the very beautiful wedding vows for the author is lazy and doesn't want to make herself cry because 'everyone cries at weddings' even story weddings...also the reception is where the fun stuff happens**

Jack and I were laughing as we all traveled from taking pictures to the reception hall to eat. We were joking about how crazy people get on St. Paddy's day and pretend to be more Irish than they are. We were also seated next to each other at the head table. We got to eat and talked amongst each other. After eating Mark got up and made his best man speech, probably the best speech I've ever heard from him. After eating they moved some of the tables to make room for the dance floor and dj. After that was set up the dj introduced the wedding party. Wade and Molly had their first dance. The rest of the wedding party joined.

Jack smiles at me and I felt my heart flutter. How could he be so perfect? Dancing with him felt so fluent and magical. I felt like I was floating and no one was there but us. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the music. The song ended and we were still swaying. I could hear the camera go off but I didn't want to move. Jack chuckles softly and I felt his lips brush the top of my head. I slowly look up at him and smile. "Y/N?" His voice was soft. "Yea?" My voice was just as soft. "I have to be honest about something." He had a sheepish smile as we walked back over to our drinks. I gave him a confused look and waited for him to explain. "I kinda asked Wade to get us paired for the wedding." I looked at him shocked, "Why would you do that?"

Jack reached forward and takes my hands in his. "I'm not sure about you but I'm not over us. I still have feelings for you. I was hoping that this would give us the perfect opportunity for us to talk.." Jack was talking softly and the tips of his ears were turning red so I know he was blushing even if he wasn't looking at me. I look down smiling. I've been thinking about this moment for a while. "I still have feelings for you too but I'm not sure we're ready to be together again. What about the distance?" Jack sighs and nods. "I know. The distance is a problem but I knew you were going to Brighton around the time I'm moving there so I was kinda hoping.." I smile and kiss his cheek softly. "Till Brighton my boss," I whisper and go over to dance with Mark. When I glanced back at Jack he had this huge smile on his face like he just won an award. It made me giggle and smile myself. I loved him he was my boss.

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now