(19) I Can Hear the Bells

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 I packed the last of my things in my bag as I listened to some calm music. Jack had left yesterday for his brothers to pick up some baby gifts. I would have gone with but Mark was going to be on the area on tour and since it was in a driving distance I was going to see him. Jack did arrange for Felix to drive me since I feel too uncomfortable in the driver's seat with my large stomach. With my bag packed, which really was just a shirt and a book to entertain myself on the road, I got Toothless' leash. Marzia was going to watch him since the little pug has been a bit sick. Leash in hand and bag over my shoulder I started the walk to Felix and Marzia's.

Felix and Marzia were outside talking as the pugs sniffed at the flowers. I smile at them as I got close enough to be in hearing distance. "Hey guys." Felix turns and smiles at me. "Hello little mama." Marzia hugs me as she giggles at the nickname Felix had given me recently. I handed Toothless' leash over to Marzia before Felix wrapped his arms around me in a hug. After he let go he went inside and Marzia looks at me with a smile. "You're looking great. How is the little Sam doing?" She asks. "Really good. The doctors are actually starting to worry that I might end up delivering early." I told her as I rubbed the baby bump. The baby was developing wonderfully well.

Felix emerged from the house with his keys in hand and what looked to be some kind of sweater or coat in hand. He smiled and gave Marzia a kiss on the cheek as he told her goodbye. I waved to Marzia as Felix went to his car and opened the door for me. Once I was securely in the car Felix closed the door for me and got in. We were out of the driveway and on the way to see Mark and I was excited to see my brother and everyone! Molly, Wade, Bob, Ethan, Kathryn, Tyler, Amy, and just everyone was going to be there, it really sucks that Jack had to go get those gifs.


Mark met us out back and brought us around to the back room where as soon as I entered it was like a flood of hellos and hugs were coming from everywhere. There were bags of baby things and I could hear Mark mention to Felix about hoping he had room in his car for a crate of things he bought for his "little (favorite animal) biscuit". I felt like I was at pax with as many pictures as I was taking with people. Each person got a picture with me before Felix spoke up, "Alright guys give her a rest. She's got an Irish baby in her." I just smile and roll my eyes as Wade made sure I got a chair to sit on.

"So how is my baby sister?" Mark asked as he sat across from me. I smile at him, "I'm great. Although Jack has definitely been working his arse off. He's taken up most of the cleaning and he cooks breakfast and dinner a lot. If he's not around he makes sure Felix or Marzia stop in and check on me. He's been very protective when we go out to the pier for a walk or something." Mark chuckles and nods. "Well that's good. It's really good to see you so happy." Mark's attention was then taken by Tyler who said his name as we walked over. "We have that one skit maybe (Y/N) can help?" Tyler pointed in my direction as he talked. Mark gasped and nods. "Yes! Do you want to be in the skit? You don't need to say anything. Just improve like we did when we warmed up for the Warfstache thing we did." Mark looked at me excitedly and I honestly couldn't tell him no.

So the guys went to get their microphones wired up and I sat backstage with the girls. Felix went to put the baby stuff in his car before going to take a seat in the audience. We went into the stage wings (basically the side of the stage you can't see because of curtains) a few minutes after it started so we didn't get in the way of the guys before they went out on stage. I watched a good thirty minutes of the show before Mark gave us a signal to get ready for our little skit. Molly and Amy took me over to a small light and made sure I looked nice as the guys started the skit behind me on stage.

"Well golly Wilbur would you look at that young whipper snapper over there. Not many youngins be dressin in suits these days," Ethan said in an elderly sounding voice. The piano accompaniment started up and I was a bit confused because Mark said nothing about music but at least I didn't have to talk. I could hear movement on stage that almost sounded like running."They're coming they're coming, get the singer!." An enthusiastic sounding Tyler called out. There was a tap on my shoulder which startled me but it was only Wade who gave me a smile and took my hand. As we got closer to the opening to the stage I started to hear Mark begin to sing, but it wasn't just any song nor was it originally in his key range which made it a bit funny. Mark was singing 'I Can Hear the Bells' from Hairspray. Wade walked me out on stage. There on the other side of the stage dressed up in a suit was a green haired Irishman turning around to face us. My heart skipped a beat as Mark's singing slowly quieted till it disappeared once Jack and I were in the middle of the stage. Wade left my side and that is when my head started to spin.

Jack took my hands in his giving them a kiss. His eyes were shining brightly and he look so handsome. His height shifted as he lowered down to one knee. It wasn't till now that I notice that he had a microphone clipped to his jacket. " (Y/N) my little wubwub. In just a few months you will be having our baby, our little Sammy, and I am so happy. You are everything I could ask for and more. So here now I have one more thing to ask of you.." Jack reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a ring box. Holding the box out to me he opened it and just as fast as it was opened my eyes flooded with tears. "Will you, become my little boss and be Mrs. (Y/N) McLoughlin?" Tears started to fall as I tried to answer but no words would form so I just nodded my head as I wiped my eyes. Jack stood, removed the ring from the box and placed it on my finger. My eyes were locked on the ring for a moment before I turned my head to look up at Jack who was also near tears. I caressed his cheek before gently pressing our lips together. "I love you." I finally whispered out just loud enough that it was caught on his mic. "I love you too," Jack whispered back his arms wrapping around my waist.

"That's how you should have done it George. Maybe then Polly wouldda married ya." I could hear Bob grumble in an old man voice to keep up the skit portion of the real proposal. Jack and I left stage together. After a moment wait so Jack could get the mic removed we went backstage where I wrapped my arms tightly around him and repeatedly kissed his face happily. I was engaged to the father of my child, the man of my dreams, and he was going to officially be my ohana.

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now