Author Reveal Q&A

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Best Friend? Vic or Bella

Do you want them to have kids? I'm guessing you mean Jack and (Y/N) in the story and the answer is yes.

What made you write the story? I was already going to write a story it just so happened that it became a Jack x Reader

Favorite Animal: Panda

Favorite Fandom? I don't have one honestly.

Favorite cookie? Chocolate chip

Favorite fruit? Strawberries

Favorite Youtuber? Jack

Favorite Song? Currently its Endlessly by The Cab

Favorite Youtube ship? Melix, Septiishu, Amyplier

Favorite color? Purple

Favorite food? Pasta

Favorite Show? AHS, Riverdale , Dance Moms

Favorite music genre? Pop Punk

Favorite number? Nine

Favorite place? By a fire on an autumn night with s'mores.

Who brings you most joy? My Quotev friends.

Do you know "The Pals"? Nope sorry

Would you dye your hair? I have many times. The reason my hair is so short is because it was breaking off because it was damaged.

Winter or Summer? Neither, Fall

Fruit or Veggies? Fruit

Dogs or Cats? Dogs

Something popular that annoys you? Depends on how it is being done and who is doing it honestly. If it is a saying and you say it too much then yeah I'll get annoyed.

Perfect weekend? Sleeping in, playing sims, and just relaxing

If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Ireland for the beautiful scenery and history

Who/What is your biggest inspiration (besides Jack)? Roleplays, music, movies, a little bit of everything.

Do you watch Sherlock? Nope sorry

Single? Yeah I'm too antisocial

How long have you been writing? I have been writing on and off since 2007 roughly. So 10 years?

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now