(4) Felix and Marzia

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We sat around chatting eating pizza. Most of the conversation was about the upcoming Pax. That's when Mark brought up VidCon. "(Y./N) went to VidCon all by herself. Thankfully Marzia and Felix were there though." Mark was telling all of them. "What happened?" Joey asked looking over at me. Mark looked at me to explain and everyone else looked at me too. I took a breath and nod.

"Well it was shortly after Sean and I broke up and nothing was going right. I arrived and my hotel room was booked for the wrong weekend. Thankfully Marzia and Felix were checking into the hotel at the the same time. They took me in since they booked a double bed for just in case like always. So I went with them to the room. Marzia and I were pretty close all of VidCon as she showed me around. We started noticing this guy following me around. We know he was following me because when we separated for lunch he stayed near me. At the end of the day when we got back to the hotel room we told Felix about the guy following me. So Felix reassured me that it was probably just a fan but to make me feel better he was going to hang out with me the next day. So the following day Felix and I spent time together just goofing around till our signings. While at the signings the guy that was following me did come and he gave me, no joke, he gave me an engagement ring and told me 'I'm glad you're not with jack anymore now we can be married.' Well Felix overheard and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and took the ring giving it back to the guy and basically told him to back off and if he didn't we would contact security. The guy took the ring and left quietly but when we got back to the hotel there were love letters shoved under the door and they really freaked me out. Felix contacted not only the hotel security but the VidCon security. The last day we were there Felix refused to leave my side. When we passed any guys he would just casually grab my hand or wrap his arm around my shoulder like some kind of protective brother." I explained looking at the floor.

"On top of it Felix made sure she got all the way back to LA safely by traveling with her." Mark added. "Is that guy still following you around?" Sean asked protectively. "No way! As soon as I heard about it we made sure he was blocked and if he does come near her again we are ready to press charges." Mark said in his protective brother tone.

I felt a hand touch my back and I jumped a bit at the unexpected touch. Looking over I seen Signe, who was sitting next to me smiling then glance behind her. I followed her gaze to see the arm whose hand was currently rubbing my back softly. I looked around and realized that it was Jack. I stood up and headed outside to clear my head. I sat on the steps of the house. This weekend was all too much for me to handle. Jack still liked me as much as I liked him. The door opened behind me. Looking up at the door I seen Joey's tall form standing there. He sat next to me. "I know what's going on (Y/N). That's why I came. Mark asked me to come. You needed the support." Joey whispered pulling me close.

"I love him still and he.." I whispered. Joey placed a finger to my lips to stop me. "He likes you. You two need to talk things out. After all he is moving to Brighton and you are going to stay with Marzia and Felix. We both knew we were just doing this relationship so we wouldn't be lonely. I'm okay if we break up." Joey's voice was soft and comforting as always.I leaned against him and sighed softly. "I wish Marzia was here. She always knew what advice to give me." I sighed softly. "Call her?" he suggested. I nod and look up at him. "Though I think we both can agree on one thing." Joey whispered pushing my hair back. Without another word I nodded and we both knew that our dating relationship was over.

"You can head back inside. I'm going to call Marzia first." I told him softly. Joey nods and stands up heading inside. I waited a second before calling Marzia. I wasn't all too shocked when Felix was the one that answered pretending to be Marzia. "Hello Felix." I laughed softly. "Damn it how did you know?" he asked talking normally. "Really? Felix you can not imitate Marzia. Is she around I need to talk to her." I smiled happily hearing him. "Yeah she's here but I wanna know what's going on." He almost whined. "Turn the phone on speaker than." I could hear Marzia laugh as she turned the phone on speaker. "What's going on sweet tart?" She asked.

"Well long story short. Jack is in town and we still like each other." I stated simply. "What about Signe?" Felix asked confused. "Well she knows and she's okay with it. In fact I think she wants me to go back out with him." I told him with a small sigh. "Well I think you need to talk to Jack." Marzia stated straightforward. "No. Make him wait for it. Wait till Molly's wedding." Felix instructed matter of factly. I was confused at his statement but I felt like he knew something though. I was going to listen to him though. "I think I'm going to side with Felix on this Marzia." I told her softly. She laughs softly and I guessed it was because Felix was smiling at the fact I sided with him. "Thanks you two. I can't wait to see you two after the wedding." I admitted with a smile. "We can't wait to have you here. Now go enjoy your break." Marzia instructed with a smile.

I smiled and we said our goodbyes. I hung up the phone and smiled softly as I looked up at the sky. Things were going to get better. I stood up and headed back inside to join the others happily.

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