(22) Oh Baby

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Hello hello my ohana. So here is the next chapter. The votes have spoken and the POV this chapter will be in is......

Mark's POV

Kathryn and Amy just left my place to meet up with Tyler and Ethan to do a bit of shopping for an upcoming video. They left me back to relax because I have been so nervous about (Y/N) since I found out that she was on bed rest that I haven't gotten the best sleep. Yet instead of resting Chica and I head on into my office to start up a chill stream. Probably just play some Oxygen Not Included and just talk with the chat that shows up.

I set up everything and start up the stream on youtube. Chica took to her normal spot and laid down like the good girl she is. "Hello I believe we should be up and visible now." I rambled a bit as I waited for viewers to join. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it onto vibrate and set it on the desk while I greet viewers that started to say hi in the chat. "Hello! I didn't actually plan to stream just felt like it." I explained a bit. "Sound good?" I asked the chat as I checked the systems and the chat. Reassured that the sound was good I left the capture program alone and focused on the game screen and the chat. "I'll wait till a few more people get in before starting. How has your day been?" I looked towards the camera at the viewers before glancing at the chat and reading a few of the replies of how they are and spotted a few asking how I was so I replied, "I'm doing well a bit anxious lately but it's nothing to worry about." I stretched watching the chat. "Why are you anxious? Well sisteriplier, (Y/N) was put on bed rest and she's due soon. Its hard when she lives so far away and I can't check on her but Jack is taking good care of her." I answered the question that I was read from a chat message.

After a bit more talking we got into the game a bit. I mentioned to the chat that I would be flying out to Brighton once my sister goes into labor. The conversation drifted from topic to topic as I played. About 20 minutes into the stream I noticed my phone lit up and buzzed. I glanced down at the screen and seen Jack's name. "I normally wouldn't do this guys but Jack is calling and I just want to make sure it isn't about (Y/N)." I objected before answering the phone. "Hello?...Felix, what are you doing with Jack's phone?..Wait- Did you just--SHE'S IN LABOR?! Right right I'll keep my phone by for the other updates. Thanks Felix." I got off the phone smiling and grinning like a mad man. Turning to the camera I threw my hands into the air. "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE SOON SHE'S IN LABOR!" Chica came over wagging her tail sensing my excitement.

I pet Chica's head and cooed to her. "Yes Chica you are going to have a human cousin soon." I cleared my throat remembering I still had the steam going. "Oh sorry about that." I quickly sent a max text to Teamiplier knowing Felix was probably already calling my mom and everyone else. "My little sister is having little Sam guys I'm so excited and happy!" I started the game again as I talked about my trip to go visit them soon with my mom. My phone buzzed on the desk with a text from Jack's phone, still probably from Felix.

'So far mom and baby are doing good'

I smiled and kept playing for the stream, thankfully I could stand and work because there is no way I could sit still with my excitement as high as it is in this moment. A couple minutes pass while I stream before another text arrived.

'Getting ready for the epidural shot before its too late'

Felix sent a few minor texts in between commenting on how nice the hospital is and how Jack keeps running back and forth between the hospital room and the waiting room to update when things happen. I was getting close to ending the stream when Felix sent me a video. I watched it once excusing myself from the stream as I did so. I laughed and quickly connected my phone to my computer and set up the capture show I could share the video with the stream viewers.

"So Felix filmed Jack running him an update and it's pretty funny guys take a look." I commented before playing the video. The phone camera was pointed towards a hallway. The faint sound of footsteps rapidly approaching was the first thing beside the muffle nurses talking in the background. Finally Jack appeared on the screen down the hall running towards the camera. "It's time!" Jack squealed as he slid to a stop in front of the camera nearly falling over as he tried to quickly turn to run back. "The head is crowning!" Jack's foot slid a bit as he darted back down the hall. You could hear Felix chuckle and see the camera move which would be in time with Felix standing before the video ended. Before I could turn the capture of my phone off another text from Jack came in.

'The head is out!'

It was silent for a couple moments as my eyes locked on my phone forgetting that I was on a stream as I waited for the one text I wanted to see. After a few minutes that text appeared on my screen. With a picture of little Sam wrapped in towels being held in the arms of my sister who honestly looked like a hot mess but she had the biggest smile I have ever seen from her as she gazed down at her child.

'Sammy has arrived. 50% Irish.100% cute tiny little healthy alien looking baby.' 

So I hope you enjoyed that. Personally I think it wasn't my best but I have been very busy. With working during the week I have only the weekend to actually get stuff done and besides writing lately I have been preparing for the upcoming convention Anime Milwaukee which I am attending all three days and dressing up all three days, one of which is a Arkham City Harley Quinn cosplay. So yeah! Till next time, bye ohana.

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