(25) Hello Sam

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It was only about a week later that the pictures and video that we had from the wedding was put together and sent to us from the photographer/videographer that we hired. Jack and I sat in his office, Sam on my lap, as we went through everything. We agreed that we were ready to introduce little Sam. So that day we posted pictured from the wedding starting with guests, then Jack and I, followed with a picture of Jack, Sam, and me. Jack decided to make a video as well. So he got started on editing the first half which would include pieces of video footage caught by the videographer. 

While Jack was editing I took Sam into the living room where I set the little one in the swing where they would be content while I pull together my old filming gear to set up for use to use. As I was setting everything up Jack came down and sat by the swing making silly faces at Sam. After a few minutes of being confused about why the tripod was stuck I huffed and placed my hands on my hips and looked at Jack. "I could use a hand here." I sighed looking at Jack who was now holding Sam and making him 'jump' on his legs. Jack looked over at me then back at Sam. "Oh no Sammy, we have to go save your mom!" he said dramatically before getting up off the floor and moving over to help. With Sam propped on one side he helped fix the tripod which was just a bit stuck due to lack of use. It wasn't much longer before the three of use were set up in front of the camera. "Top of the morn-," Jack started his usual opening in a softer tone but was interrupted by Sam spitting up a bit. "I got it. You just restart before the batter dies on the camera." I said taking Sam away from the couch to clean the little one up. 

As I was changing the shirt that Sam was wearing I could hear Jack restart from the otherside of the living room. "Hellooooooo creatures of E-arth, top of the morning to ya," Jack laughed softly as he creatively combined each of our usual openings. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "So it is official, I am a married man and a father! The wedding was amazing and I'm really glad  we got some footage to share with you guys. (Y/N) and I also really appreciate you being so patient and respectful of our privacy about little Sam but as you have seen that little squirt in the video was Sam!" Jack talked in a calm but happy voice, using his hands to talk. Jack glanced over at me as I finished up changing Sam and was on my way back over. "So to end this video off I-," Jack started but I cut him off with a small correction as my legs entered frame, "We." Jack looked up and chuckled. "Sorry. WE, would like to introduce you to our little bean, Sam." Jack looked back at the camera as I lowered my self down to sit next to my husband. I propped Sam up on my leg, kind of in between us. Jack gently moved the bit of hair hanging in front of Sam's face back as he leaned down to kiss the small child on the head.

Sam grinned turning to Jack, a bit of drool falling from his grinning mouth. Jack grabbed a small towel from out of frame and wiped the drool away as I smiled. "Yes this is little Sam and I can firmly say that you should prepare yourselves for many postings about this little one especially from my brother Mark. Mark is a very proud uncle and has been very impatiently waiting to share his love for this little one while we waited to introduce Sam." I continued as Jack did his fatherly act of caring for the drool. "In fact," I handed Sam to Jack so I could pull my phone out. With the phone on speaker I called my brother. "Hey-o sista," Mark answered. "Hey Mark, so I called you to let you know that you can now post about Sam." As soon as the words got out of my mouth Mark started yelling in excitement. Jack and I laughed as Sam just stared at the phone in startled, confusion. "Okay Mark, I'll talk to you later." I said just barely waiting for a goodbye response before ending the call. "He really is excited." Jack laughed as I nodded in agreement. We ended the video, with Jack again mashing our outros together causing my eye roll to actually be caught on camera as I smiled at Jack who made Sam wave at the camera. 

Jack handed me Sam so he could gather the camera to return to his office to finish editing. Jack was in fact able to finish editing and uploaded the video. about an hour or so after Jack posted his video Mark had uploaded a compilation video of all of the small videos him or Amy have taken of Sam. Jack and I were going to wait till the morning to look at the feed back so the two of us curled up on the couch with Sam and watched some anime. 

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