(5) Just a New Yeart Meet Up

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A/N: Hey darlings before starting this chapter I wanted to give a quick little shout out to @Star_Gamez and her story Sisteriplier. Its an EthanxReader and its pretty awesome so give it a look sometime! Now onto the chapter!

After Christmas Joey and I went back to LA. Since we broke up I decided not to spend New Years with him like I planned. Instead I started to plan a meet up with my fans. I didn't expect many people to come since it was New Years eve but it was worth a short. I called and talked with the park rangers to let them know just in case more people than I thought would show up. I gathered everything up; mainly my camera, wallet, phone, and portable charger. Once everything was read I sent out a tweet announcing the impromptu meet up at the park.

I got there and set up a little a few fans came and left on their ways to parties. I was really enjoying seeing so many fans that showed up. By the afternoon there were ten people that hung around with me in the park chatting and it was purely amazing to spend time with them.

The fan that showed up first and stayed around a bit was Laura. Laura was really nice. She had short blonde hair and some bright blue eyes. She was a bit taller than me standing at 5 foot. She was so sweet as she explained the way that I have impacted her life and how she aspired to do things she originally wasn't thinking of since she started watching my videos. She also would point out new fans as they arrived which honestly was very helpful. For example when a young woman named Gabby showed up Laura pointed her out to me. Gabby was standing away from us her long brown hair was pulled into a side braid and she seemed a bit nervous as she watched us from a distance. I walked over to her with a smile and introduced myself and talked calmly to her. After a couple minutes of talking one on one we talked about art which she seemed to smile happily at as she dug into her bag and pulled out a few pieces of fanart of me, including one of Jack and I. I thankfully took the picture and put it in my bag before introducing Gabby to Laura so they could chat while I met with other fans.

Two girls arrived at the same time. One of them was very unique and I honestly thought she was so cute. Hey name was Alex and she was one of those people who have two different color eyes. Her eyes were amazing as one one this deep chestnut brown with shimmering green specks while the other was this soft grey and bright blue that reminded me of the sky. Her hair was black with sea green tips and cut short in the back with long bangs. She was very sweet and funny as she kept quoting other youtubers in jokes she made. The second girl that showed up with her was Bianca. She was this smiley girl with brown hair and bright green eyes. Sadly she couldn't stay long though as she was on the way to a family get together but before she left she handed me a small box which had a small braided bracelet with a infinity sign charm on it that was similar to the one she was wearing as she said, "The possibilities are endless." which was a quote from one of my recent motivational videos.

It was getting later and I was still chatting with Gabby and Laura. Unlike me they were smart enough to bring something to drink with them. So as we sat in the grass talking we mentioned Starbucks and I made a silly post about how I would love if someone could bring me something from Starbucks. Well surprise, surprise I actually received my usual order from Starbucks from a fan named Ashley. I tried to convince her to let me pay her back but she refused to accept anything as she moved her blue bangs behind her ear to blend in with the rest of her black hair to keep it from blowing into her blowing in front of her sweet face. The four of them were talking as it got later. As soon as I got done talking to Ashley a brunette with soft freckles came. Their name was Ashton and they just simply came to hang out and chat. Which was awesome. Ashton brought along some cards so we played a few card games between the few of us for a while before the next fan arrived.

The next fan was someone who came up to me with tears nearly falling from her blue eyes. She was wearing a Dan and Phil TATINOF tshirt and her pale blonde hair fell just to her shoulders. She introduced herself as Erin before she started to cry being thankful that she had the chance to meet me. I gave her a hug and rubbed her back lightly as I smiled reassuring her that it's alright. After a few moments Erin calmed down and asked for a selfie which I didn't hesitate to take with her. We went back over to the other fans and I introduced them all to Erin and we let her join the game.

As it got later I called and ordered us all pizzas to eat. After I got off the phone from ordering the pizza I seen a girl pacing by the pathway and it seemed like she was talking to herself. I walked over to see if she needed help but when I got closer she squealed happily and then I realized that she was a fan and I waved at her with a smile. She squealed again before coming over and introduced herself as Bella. She apologized for freaking out a bit and as she tucked a strand of blonde hair out of her face. Bella went on to ask for a selfie and an autograph. After taking the picture and signing something for her. As they walked over to join the others I explained that pizza was coming. She handed me some more fan art which was amazing to see. I placed it in my bag with the rest.

As it got later more people left it was just me Laura and Alex left when another fan showed up. She called to me hesitantly to get my attention. I turned to her and seen her short black, curly hair with red tips. Dressed in a band t-shirt and a long sleeved hoodie. I walked over to her and we talked a bit about how the day went and I found out her name was Bella and she explained to me how I helped save her from running away and how I made her life a little brighter. I couldn't help but pull her into a hug and I offered her some of the leftover pizza which she happily took.I decided to end the meet up so everyone could get home safely. I also made my way home. I was just about to leave the park when I heard a soft voice behind me. I turned to see this little girl run up to me pulling along with her an older girl with her. The little girl had blonde hair pulled into a ponytail and bright blue eyes. The older girl had her hair dyed a pastel purple and the same blue eyes. I took pictures with them and as the older girl tried to get the younger one to leave the little one said. "Ohana boss girl!" with a wave.

A/N: So I hoped you enjoyed that. It wasn't the best but I'm trying to improve my writing by going out of my comfort zone. Now I want to thank these amazing people for creating the characters used in this chapter.

@EstelleTod - Laura

@screammynamebish - Ashley

@AlexThe Narwhale - Ashton

@NightOwlAlex - Bella

@queen_of_dark_souls - Alex

@Daniclue - Bianca

@DarkDragon_332 - Bella

@Embaressedpandaz - Gabby

@EpiclyErin - Erin

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now