(24) Wedding

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It was finally time..it was the day of the long awaited wedding. Friends and family traveled to the beautiful venue. The sun was bright in crystal clear blue sky. The perfect September day for a magical wedding. I was with Amy, my mom, Jack's sisters and mother getting ready. My nerves were pretty high but  it was mainly just because I was nervous that Mark was currently the only one watching Little Sam while everyone else was getting ready. The last time Mark was left alone with Sam he tried to feed the small baby some ice cream. As if she could read my mind Amy finished adjusting a strand of my hair that had fallen loose from the style it was put in earlier that morning she excused herself to go check on Mark.

The wedding would be starting in just a few short minutes now. My older brother would be walking me down the aisle. Felix and Mark would be standing up next to Jack by the alter. Marzia was going to carry and care for Sam while the wedding was in progress. Everything was ready. My feet slowly carried me over to the full length mirror in the room as I looked myself over. This was the day I would be marrying the man of my life. A smile slowly filled my face as I thought of my perfect little family. As the time for the wedding to begin got closer the wedding party began to get ready and head to their designated spots. This was it... I stood before the closed doors that separated me and Jack. Marzia stopped next to me on her way into position with Sam. I leaned over and gave my little one a small kiss on the head. 

Music soon filled the room, the doors opened, and there he was. Everything around me seemed to drift off into nothingness as my eyes locked on to the man who would in a matter of minutes become my husband. The procession made their way down the aisle and I was getting closer and closer to him. He stood tall in his suit, his hair smoothed back, and a tear escaped his eye but he quickly wiped it away sharing a small smile with Mark and Felix who were chuckling about something. This was the moment I had been dreaming of, my hand transferred from the hand of my oldest brother to Jacks and our eyes locked. This was it. Tears were shed, laughs were shared, love was proclaimed, a man and wife became one. The ceremony was perfect and I swear I seen Mark cry out of the corner of my eye. 

Before walking back down the aisle Marzia handed Sam to Jack who held my hand with one hand and used the other to carry Sam on his side as we exited. We stood and thanked people for coming and helped direct others to our small reception. Once most of the guest left to head to the reception hall the wedding party took a few more pictures before heading off to the reception themselves. Jack and I never seemed to stop smiling. 

The reception was simple; food, cake, dancing, and embarrassing speeches.  Mark's speech was the best and it ended with me in tears. He talked about our childhood, he talked about meeting Jack, he teased about the first time we met that fateful night during a silly game of prop hunt. He talked about the hard times and finished off in a tearful congratulations to his proud new brother-in-law, sister, and of course little Sam.

When it was time for our first dance it started off slow and simple with just Jack and I. "You know this doesn't feel right," Jack muttered with a small sigh before pulling away. My heart stopped and even skipped a beat as I watched him step away. Though that darn man didn't go far, no he walked over to the table his mother was sitting at with Sam in her lap. Picking up little Sam, Jack returned to me and together we held our child. "Now this..this feels right." Jack smiled kissing my head as we continued our dance. 

The night continued with more dancing. Jack's parents and my mom were the first to leave as they took Sam with them as the little bean was getting tired. It wasn't until midnight the the reception finally started to end. Hand in hand Jack and I made our way through the line of the remaining guests to the car. We grinned and waved at those we passed. Stopping right before entering the car we shared one last kiss in front of the guests before we headed away to share the rest of the night in the privacy of our own room as Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin.

A/N: Alright so it was a bit vague but we all dream of weddings a little differently and this way you can picture, vows, speeches, and the magical day in a way that is special to you. Also can I just say that I actually wrote about a September wedding in September I think this is the first time I actually wrote and posted about an event in the right time period. 

Any wayyyyy.... Enjoy the chapter! I might even post another again today. Love you ohana!

My Ohana, My Boss (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now