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"Tessa!" My best friend Clary Fairchild, waved from across the mall. Clary is a really small person and due to the huge sea of people,-who for some reason were all headed in the same direction- it would've been really hard to spot her due to her short stature (don't tell her I said that). But thank God for her fiery curly red hair.

"Clary!" I made my way through the massive hoards of people in the mall and finally was able to make it to her side."Where's Simon?"

Simon Lewis is her best best friend. They've known each other since practically birth. He was tall and lanky with brown eyes and darky curly hair. He was always at her side and vice versa.

Clary pointed towards the nearest GameStop, "In there."

"Ah. I see. Not wanting to socialize with the nerds, huh?" I ask, teasing her.

"I socialize with you, right?" She jabbed me in the stomach with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up," I say playfully, "we both know you and I are at the same level of nerdiness."

It was Clary's turn to roll her eyes. Before she could say a witty comeback a group of teenage girls, maybe seventeen or eighteen nearly run over us and make a beeline to the escalators heading down.

"I'm walking here!" I yelled at them, except I knew it was pointless. Whatever it was they were running to caught their and a bunch of other girls attention at the food court below us.

"What do you think is going on?" Clary asked, her eyes scanning the crowd underneath us.

"I don't know," is my reply.

"Tessa, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I look at her and her bright green eyes glitter mischeviously.

"Probably not," I reply with a smirk.

She ignores this, "You, me, we go down there and see what all the fuss is about."

My eyes scan the crowd gathering in the place that held food. The number of people was increasing by the second as more teenage girls ran in, squealing and jumping like they were at a 5 Seconds of Summer concert.

The sight of so many people frightened me.

"I don't know Clary," I look at her, "I just bought a book and well I want to read it."

Clary rolled her eyes, "Which book?"

"A Tale of Two Cities," I mumbled.


"A Tale of Two Cities," I said louder.

Clary laughed, "Tessa, let's go and see what the heck is going down there. You read that book so many times you can rewrite it and sell it in the black market." She grabbed my hand,"Let's go," and she dragged me towards my doom.


The amount of people down in the food court where bigger than it looked from where Clary and I were standing above it.

"Clary, do you see anything?" I asked trying to look over someone's shoulder.

"Nope. Nada." She replied

I was going to tell her that this was just a waste of time when she started squealing and jumping up and down.

"Tessa! I know why everyone is here." Her green eyes shimmered in delight.

"Why?" I was curious.

"You remember that movie I tried to make you watch?"

"The animi?"

When Will Met TessaWhere stories live. Discover now