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"Can I ask you a question?"

As soon as Will and I exited the hotel, we got into a quick disagreement about who's car we should use. According to Will, his car was, and I quote, "sex on wheels," while mine is the "Soccer Mom Mobile."

In the end, I won, when I said that him getting in my car won't be the last ride I give him, he Usain Bolted to my blue Nissan.

"You already asked a question when you asked if you could ask a question," he replied, leaning his head against the window.

I quickly removed one of my hands from the steering wheel and hit Will in the back of his head, causing him to flinch.

"Don't be a wise ass. You know what I meant."

"Go ahead then. Ask your bloody question," he sounded tired and worn out. Who could blame him? We both drank way too much and somehow woke up naked together, and with two massive headaches.

"Why are you staying at a hotel when you have a house upstate?"
With a quick glance at him, I saw his face still remained it's I just bloody woke up, haven't eaten since last year, and I am having the worst hangover since my twenty first birthday expression, "It's not a house. It's a library."

"A library with five floors?"

"It's a very large library, Tessa."

I raked a hand through my tangled hair, "No shit, Sherlock. You have to have at least one bedroom in that entire place."

I glanced over and noticed that he had a small smirk as if my surprise and confuzzlement was amusing to him.

"The building itself had a total of eleven rooms and twelve bathrooms. I just knocked down all the walls to the bedrooms and left two bathrooms and the kitchen. I barely stay here in New York, so I just have the library here."

"Which brings me to my next question," I started, but he interrupted me.

"You told me to not speak or you'd hang my much valued testicles on your Christmas tree, yet here you are forcing me to speak," I saw him rub his temples out of the corner of my eye, "I don't know about you, Theresa, but my head is murdering me."

Shit. I forgot about that. But this question has been nagging me since the beginning of time.

"Don't you have to go to another city? To sponsor your movie."

"You're right. We should be going to other cities, but there are personal reasons as to why I'm still here in New York."

Not wanting to pry as to what his personal reasons are I kept quiet.

"What about you? You're twenty one. You should be partying with your friends, living life to the fullest. Not sitting in an office all day."

If only he knew why I'm still in New York, if only he knew.


Will's POV

I watched her sigh as soon as I asked the question.

"You've got your reasons, I've got mine. I graduated from NYU already. I majored in English." I noticed a small smile playing on her lips once she finished talking.

"Why are you working as a secretary when you could be writing?" It was a quick thought, if she majored in English she might as well use it for something.

"I do but-" before she could finish her sentence, she completely forgot that she was driving and draped herself across my lap, (causing someone to get a little excited, if you know what I mean) and pressed her face against the window, "That little hoe. She told me she was going to stay in my apartment by herself. Clearly, she wasn't alone. When I get my hands on her, so help me God," she continued mumbling under her breath as I tried to see who she was talking out about.

My sculpted jaw dropped as I caught sight of familiar blonde hair. "Bloody son of a bitch."

Once Tessa angrily parked the car, we both sprinted across the street and before I knew I was jumping on his back.



expect lots of updates for the next couple of weeks. none for august, personal reasons which do not allow me to have access to the interweb. I'm going to try and finish WWMT before I start school. also, who's point of view do you guys prefer, Will or Tessa?


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