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"Miss Gray, I need you to calm down." Doctor Patterson said to me.

"I can't calm down!" I run my fingers through my hair. I take a deep breath. "Okay." I say a little calmer, "Repeat everything you just said."

The doctor nods his thinning grey hair, "Your aunt has been in this hospital for a solid six months. Half a year. She isn't responding to any treatment and when she does happen to seem that maybe finally something might be working, she begins to scream and turns very violent towards the nurses. Throwing pitchers of water at their heads and ripping out the needles out of her arms and sticking them into the nurses' arms."

"And because of my aunt's," I struggle to find the right word, "tantrums, you want me to put her into mental institution? Are you aware of how much I need to pay to keep my aunt here and pay my own bills? A lot. I can't afford to install her in a mental institution."

"Well," Dr. Patterson looks down at the folder containing my aunt's medical files on his desk, then back at me, "We could always put her to sleep."

I rise out of my chair furiously and throw everything on his desk to the ground, "WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU CRAZY?"

The doctor takes pff his glasses and rubs his forehead, "It was only a suggestion."

I let out a chuckle. This man just told me that I can either put my aunt into a mental institution or put her to sleep. Both are out of the question.

"Only a suggestion? You know what, doc? Fuck you. I'm transferring my aunt to a place where they will actually take care of her."

And with that, I storm out of the office and go up to the fifth floor where my aunt is.

Entering her room, I see how she is asleep and I pull up a chair next to her bedside.

The memories of a strong, independent woman who raised two children by herself. The woman who made sure my brother and I ate before she ate anything herself. In all my twenty one years of life, I never saw that woman cry. Never.

So how come that same woman is now in a hospital bed, her blonde hair now thinning and she's gotten so pale lately.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before exiting her room.

I walked out of the hospital and got into my car which was parked not too far away.

I screamed in frustration and hit my head against the wheel repeatedly.

I need a drink.



"Mister Herondale, please calm yourself." The idiot, Doctor Patterson tells me.

"Calm myself? Calm my-" I stood up, out of the chair in his office and in one swift motion, flung it towards the bookshelf on the wall next to the desk causing the shelf to fall forward.

"Mister Herondale, there is no need for violence." The doctor leans forward on his desk and runs his fingers through his balding hair.


"Mister Herondale. Please. Take a seat." He motions to an empty extra chair, "Let us discuss the matter at hand before I have to have you escorted out by security."

I sit in the chair and sigh dramatically, "Very well then."

"My medical team and I believe it's time you put Miss Herondale to rest."

"And why do I need to do that?"

"Your sister has been in a coma for six months. Half a year and so far there is very little chance of her waking up."

I lean forward in the seat, "But there is a possibility. Correct?"

"A very slim one."

I could practically feel the anger in me rise, "Then why the hell do I have to put her to rest if she can wake up?"

Doctor Bloody Bastard takes off his thin framed glasses and looks at me, "Do you love your sister?"

I nod. "Of course."

"Then you might want to think about what you want to do."

What I want to do is bash this bloody imbecile's skull in with a hammer and run him over. With a semi truck. In heavy traffic. Repeatedly.

I was about to act on my thoughts when her voice spoke in my mind.

Calm yourself, William. You know how upset mother gets when you lose your temper.

Storming out of the office, I walk down the hallway and enter the elevator.

Once I reach the fifth floor, I walk down the long corridor and gently push Ella's door open.

She layed there in her bed. Her black hair fanning around her. My twin sister. She looked so peaceful. Ella was never one to ever be peaceful, oh no. She was a wild spirit dressed as an innocent schoolgirl, when really her mind was filthier than a Times Square bathroom and cursed like a drunk sailor on a Friday.

My mum had to constantly be reminding her that she was a lady and to start acting like one. Not that Ella gave a damn. And yet, my sister was as kind as they come. Volunteering at homeless shelters because she wanted to, crawling into bed with me and holding me or Cecily whenever we had a nightmare.

Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead I whispered, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

Walking out of the hospital with the hood of my jacket on, I walked towards my car.

Upon entering, I slammed my forehead against the steering wheel and let out a much needed yell.

I need a drink. Immediately.

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