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"Tell me absolutely everything," Clary jumped onto my bed, "Absolutely everything. If you leave anything out, so help you God. I will go Super Saiyan on you and you won't see that light of tomorrow."

Despite Clary being small and looking like a rag doll, the girl is incredibly intimidating.

"Fine, fine. I'll talk," I threw my hands in the air and flopped backwards onto my bed.

Clary squealed with excitement but went quiet and made a gesture with her head and hands telling me to start.

"It wasn't much really. But since you want all the deets, I'll tell you everything," I wipe my palms that are beginning to sweat on my thighs.

"He drove out to the good side of New York. The one where all the rich people live," Clary nodded, "and he took me to his," should I say mansion or house? "He took me to his house which is actually a really nice mansion and-"

"Don't tell me!" Clary interrupted, "Did you two?" She does a hand gesture.

"No no noooooo. God, Clary. Why?" I wipe my hand across my face at the dirty mind of my friend. "His house is a freaking library. Jesus, let me speak."

Her mouth forms an 'O' shape and let me continue.

"His house is a library. You walk in and all you see are rows upon rows upon rows of bookshelves filled to the brim with books. It was amazing." I felt myself smile at the memory of all the books.

I may or may not have gotten high off the smell of all those books.

"We both just wandered aimlessly for awhile-well I did- just stroking the spines of the books. It was quiet. Will hardly spoke. But when he did it was to ask if I wanted something to eat-"

"I know what you wanted to eat," Clary interrups. I give her the death glare but continue.

"I told him that I of course I wanted to eat, so he just grabbed my hand and took me to the roof which was really nice and there he had some sandwiches which I probably ate ten of and he took out a book."

"Which one?"

"A Tale Of Two Cities. He started to read to me and I stopped him to ask him a question." I stop to catch my breath. I remembered how the setting sun had complimented his tan skin and deepened the blue of his eyes.

"What did you ask?" Clary lay down beside me and her head supported by her hand, her green eyes intrigued.

"I asked him why he became an actor and he just told me because he liked the attention," I lied a bit at the end because what he told me I'm guessing was personal and I didn't want to repeat it.

"Okay," Clary said slowly, "What else?"

I skip over the kiss thing which just the very memory made me blush slightly, but I tell her that we watched "The Great Expectations" movie-starring him- and how we compared the movie to the book.

"You guys watched a movie and discussed it?" she snorts, "Nerds."

"Yeah?" I stand up and put my hands on my hips, "What did you and golden boy do while I was gone?"

"Golden boy?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah. His hair is a rare shade of blonde it's almost gold and his eyes are golden too. Hence, Golden Boy."

"Whatever. We-" before she could continue my phone made that little ping! sound telling me someone sent me a text.

I check my phone and it's Will.

Will: Hi.

Me: Hi.

Will: How are you?

Me: I'm good.

Will: So...

Me: Soooo...

Will: I had a nice time.

Me: Me too.

Where was he going with this?

Will: I was wondering...

"He wants to go on another date with you," Clary's voice says really close to my ear.

I nod. "I had a feeling."

Will: Will you go on another date with me? I'm going to be in town longer than expected. Some shit happened with our manager Charlotte and we can't leave for I don't know how long and I really want to see you again.

I shake my head and roll my eyes at the last sentence.

Me: What's in it for me?

Will: The pleasure of seeing my beautiful face again ☺

Me: I still don't see the benefits of that...

Will: Harteyharhar. Very funny Tess.

Me: I'm serious. What's in it for me?

Will: Books. Food.

Clary speaks behind me again, "That's a good deal. You should take him up on it."

I turn my head and look at her, "Should I?"

She nods maniacally, "Yes."

I sigh and look down at my phone.

Me: Fine. Only because Clary forced me too.

Will: Clary?

Me: My friend. The one that was with Jace today.

Will: OOOOOHHHH the little tomato?

Clary scoffed.

Me: She is slightly offended.

Will: That's the point.

Me: Asshole

Will: But I'm your asshole

Me: You do realize how wrong that sounds right?

Will: Yes....and?

Me: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Will: Also, Jace has been wondering if he could go out with Clary.

Clary blushes and turns a deep shade of red.

Me: She'd love to.

Will: Great. See you tomorrow.


He doesn't respond. Cheeky bastard.

"You set me up," Clary says slowly, "on a date with Jace Herondale."

I nod. "Yerp."

Clary runs her fingers through her fiery curls. "Oh Lord."

I sigh.

"Oh Lord indeed."


Wassup my people?

So here you go.

Another chapter.

Sorry for the delay. School has been torturing me and making me want to jump out the window.

Anyway, it's February. The month where love is in the air, couples buy each other roses and chocolate and I am still single buying chocolate for myself.

Another chapter is coming soon, so hold on tight. This ride is a wild one.

Love ya,

When Will Met TessaWhere stories live. Discover now