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Four months, one hundred twenty two days, twenty weeks, six hours and four seconds since I've last talked or even seen Tessa.

Four months, one hundred twenty two days, twenty weeks, six hours, and four seconds since Jace has seen Clary.

In case you didn't know, we are both very needy males and crave female attention.

In case you're a dense brick, that means that my beloved cousin and I haven't been laid in a while.

In other words, we're HHS. Hungry, Horny, and Sad.

But in all seriousness, I'm dead inside.

Even if it was a short amount of time, Tess completed me. She was the missing piece to my fucked up puzzle.

Talking to her made me smile, even if it was for a week.

Even if it was a week, it felt like a fucking year.

She doesn't return my calls.

She doesn't return my texts. Just leaves them on read.

She doesn't returns my snaps. Just leaves them on opened.

My problems with Bill have been insane. Charlotte would've kicked his ass, cooked it, and fed it to the dogs by now, but of course, she's on maternity leave.

He's threatened more than once to have Ella taken off the machine she's clinging onto. He's threatend not only my career, but has insulted Jem by saying he should stick to K-Pop.

Jem later on put hot sauce in Bill's disgustingly large bottle of Dr. Pepper.

I wish I could do something, anything, but that would put not only mine, but my friends and family's careers.

I'm an ass, but not that big of an ass.

I need Tessa more than anything.

I just need her gray does eyes to take me somewhere and to feel her brown hair again. Is it too much to ask?

y'all are going to hate the way I end things for this story. Oops.

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