Chapter 13 my children

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*You guys might want to have Google Translate open. Also excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. *

"C'mon Tessie. You're taking too long. Aunt Harriet is waiting for us in the car, hurry up." Nate was standing in front of me, he was about thirteen and I was around ten.

Nate was dressed in a black suit and black dress shoes, his blonde hair slicked back.

"I'm coming Nate. Hold on." I said charging down the stairs as fast as I could in kitten heels and a blue floor length dress.

"Hurry Tessie. We have to be at the restaurant in twenty minutes," Nate tapped his foot on the floor impatiently.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I placed my hands on my hips, "Now why do we have to go to a restaurant today?"

He engulfed me in a hug, the scent of Axe body spray taking over my senses.

"Because it's your eighteenth birthday, dumbie."

Before I could say anything Nate somehow aged eight years and was dressed in Nike Pros and an NYU sweatshirt.

I looked down at my own self and noticed how I was no longer wearing the long blue dress. Instead, a white dress with lace  flowers took it's place.

"Tessie, look at me." Nate's voice was eerily calm. Too calm.

I watched as Nate reached into his back pocket and retrieved a gun.

"Nate," I said his name slowly as he placed the gun to his temple, "Nate. Put. The gun. Down."

He smiled. It wasn't the normal happy smile he usually wore. This one was one that a sociopath would have on Criminal Minds. It showed all his teeth and his blue eyes darkened menacingly.

"Relax, Theresa. It isn't loaded. See?" He squeezed the trigger.

And just like that, I watched as his head burst open. Blood staining the walls of our childhood home. Blood staining my white dress as I bent down to hold his head in my hands. The blood seeping through the cracks of my fingers.

"NATE!" I idiotically tried shaking him, knowing it would be of no use.

"Tess! Tessa! THERESA!"

I woke up with a jolt and Will's hands on my shoulders. His perfectly arched eyebrows furrowed together and he looked genuinely worried.

"Tess." The way he called me Tess, so quietly, his accent deepening. He frowned. "I know you aren't okay. Don't tell me otherwise."

"What happened?" I said trying to even out my breathing. It was then that I realized I was sweating and trembling furiously.

Will's voice was just a whisper as he spoke and gently pushed the little hairs that escaped and pushed them behind my ear, "You fell asleep but you started screaming. I had to pull over."

It was then that I noticed that he pulled in front of diner and he had the passenger side door open and he was sitting on the little space where the door met the car.


Will didn't raise his voice, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head before taking a deep breath. "So is that the place?" I said pointing at the diner.

"Huh?" He looked behind him and shook his head, "Oh no. I have something else in mind."

He got out of the car, shut the door and did one of those things where he slid on the hood of the car to get to the other side.

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