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"Hey aunt Harriet," I said softly sitting down in front of her, "How are you?"

I am met with silence. She didn't even look my way. She continued to stare out the window.

Tucking back a strand of loose hair behind my left ear, I sighed.

"I met a guy. His name's Will," I went on with a slight smile, "He's an actor. He's taking me out tomorrow . Again. We went out today. You'd like him. Always talking about books. He's really good looking too."

Still no response. I drummed my fingernails on the armrest of the chair.

"The doctor says you'll be able to leave soon," I gulped and looked down at my lap, "You can either go to a nursing home or stay with me. I live in a small apartment but it has two rooms. You can have the extra. My job at the doctor's office isn't that far, so I'll be able to give you your meds in the afternoon or I'll hire a nurse for you. I wouldn't mind."

Slowly, my aunt's head turns. She looked at me with her now dull blue eyes, tilted her head to the side for a minute and opened her mouth.


She began to scream. Scream so loud, the kangaroos in Australia could hear it. So high pitched, it shattered the pitcher of water on the little hospital night stand.

The doctor came in running but I held my hand up, telling him to go away. Thankfully, he did.

I got out of the chair and kneeled in front of her and stroked her now thinning hair.

"Sssshhhhh, it's okay," I said trying to soothe her, "It's just me. You're safe."

Aunt Harriet abruptly stopped the screaming, "Elizabeth?"

I closed my eyes and furrowed my brows. My Aunt saying my mother's name and confusing me for her hurt. But nonetheless, I opened my eyes and put on my best fake smile.

"No, Aunt Harriet. It's me. Tessa."

Her eyes began to shimmer and she smiled, "Tessa, darling. How are you? Where's Nate?"

I sat back down in the chair and gripped the armrests. "Nate went to the store."

Her smile didn't falter, "Well then, how are you dear?"

I feel tears starting to form, but I blink them back. My aunt does not need to see me cry.

"I'm fine, Aunt Harriet," I smile but I see that her warm smile disappeared, her blue eyes dulled once again.

"Nate's dead," she said staring at the floor, "Nate's dead. Nate's dead."

I nod sadly, "Yes, Aunt Harriet. Nate is dead."

She looked at me and pointed an accusing finger at me, "You killed him! You brought him to his grave! You were never much but a filthy little pampered princess! You brought him to his doom! You brought Elizabeth and Richard to their grave! Why don't you just join them?!"

Huge shock waves went through me. She went through these things often. The screaming, forgetting who I was, Nate's death, she just never said those things to me. Ever.

She got out of the chair she was sitting in and stood up. As soon as she got to her feet she collapsed, spasming and jerking her body as her eyes rolled back into her head and she started to foam at the mouth.

I ran out of the room, "Nurse! Doctor! Please! It's my Aunt!"

As soon as I finished yelling into the hallway I was whisked aside by a team of numerous doctor's and nurses.

I was about to reenter the room when a purple haired nurse stopped me.

"Sorry, Miss. You are not allowed in there. Not now. We will call you if anything happens to your aunt."

I nod, "Of course. Yeah. I'll go."

I turned around and run into the parking lot almost knocking some guy over and get into my electric blue Nissan.

After placing my hands on the wheel and banging my head against it whilst screaming profanities, I drive away from the hospital.


I look at her.

She looks so peaceful.

Her black hair tied into two pigtails at the sides. Her eyes were closed and it feels like forever since I've seen them open. I miss the sound of her voice, the cheesy puns and that goofy grin of hers.

It's amazing the paparazzi haven't found me here. Thank God for that.

I take a seat next to her bedside and lean forward clasping her hands with mine.

"I met a girl. Her name's Tessa," I smiled slightly, "I went out with her yesterday. I'm taking her out today too. You'd like her. Always talking about books and she's pretty too."

No movement. The only sound was the heart monitor telling me her heart rate was steady but she hasn't moved or made a single sound.

"I know you can hear me. Please. Wake up. Fi angen fy chwaer fawr. Please," I squeeze her hand gently and kiss her palm.

I took a deep breath. "Cecily is growing up and she needs you. She has Isabelle, but it isn't the same. She needs you."

I placed a kiss on her forehead and held our hands together.

The room was quiet as I stared at her and prayed to God, something I only do when I'm here with her in the quiet of the hospital room.


Gingerly, I remove my hands and take my phone out of my pocket.

Bill [from management]: Get your sorry Welsh ass to the hotel. NOW!

With a drained sigh, I get out of the chair and kiss her forehead again.

"Bye, Ella."

Once I make it back to my black Mercedes, I scream and yell various profanities in various languages before driving away from the hospital.

When Will Met TessaWhere stories live. Discover now