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Walking into my apartment I am instantly tackled to the ground.

"What happened?"

"What took you so long?"

"Did you get the- ow! Simon! What the fuck?" Clary rubbed the area on her upper arm where Simon punched her.

"You can't just ask that! That's an invasion of someone's personal life. You don't see me asking if you got some lately." 

"That's because she hasn't," an amused voice comes from somewhere in the apartment.

I groan as I pick myself up from the floor and run into the kitchen.

"SOPHIE! MY MAIN HOE!" I yelled at her as I threw my arms around her.

Sophie Collins, aka my best friend next to Clary, was standing in my kitchen in a plain blue sundress and her put into a ponytail. Her scar that went from the end of her right eye to the beginning of her lip was finally starting to heal, and didn't look as terrifying as it did the last time I saw her.

She rolled her light brown eyes and smiled, "Hey, Tessa."

I hugged her tighter and whispered in her ear, "You have entered my domain. You shall never escape. Muahaha."

Sophie pulled away from me and raised her eyebrow, "What are you on?"

"She's high off of Will Herondale. She just got back from a date with him." Simon says, sitting on my countertop.

"It wasn't a date. It was just lunch."

"Will Herondale. As in. The actor, Will Herondale?" Sophie says, ignoring what I just said.

I nod, "It's not that big of a deal."

"Oh honey. It is." Clary walks in, putting one her fiery red curls into a messy bun.

"Dearie, this is William Herondamn. He is really big right now in the film industry." Sophie takes a seat on the random bar stool in my kitchen. "How'd you come across him, anyhow?"

"Barnes and Noble." I reply, taking a seat next to Simon on the counter.

"Of course. He's rumored to be a huge bookworm. I just never thought he'd actually be one." She ran her fingers through her ponytail.

"Why do you say that?" Simon and I both ask.

"Well. He's hot. He's famous. He's rich. If he's a bookworm, he probably isn't human."

"Well," I look down at my feet which are hanging off the counter. "Why don't you ask Clarissa here about Jace?"

Sophie gasps. "Jace. Herondale?"

"No. Jace Wayland from Nationwide." I say, "Of course Jace Herondale."

"Where are you meeting these people?" Sophie looks up at the cieling, "Please God. I beg you. Let me meet a hot actor person. Please." Sophie turns her attention back to Clary, "Spill the beans, Fray."

As Clary told Sophie -along with Simon's commentary- all about her time with Jace these past few days, I can't help let my mind wonder to today in the park with Will.

The way the blue of his eyes shimmered and how made the little children squeal with laughter as he chased them around the playground. How his smile crinkled the edges of his eyes and nearly blinded me with their whiteness. The way he told the little girl to not cry when she scraped her knee because "Princesses don't cry" and when he bought all the kids ice cream. It just melted my heart.

He would be such a great father one day.

"Yo." Simon breaks me out of my thoughts of Will.

"Yo." I reply.

"Thinking about Will?" He pokes my side with his elbow and wiggles his eyebrows.

I push him playfully, "Not like that you perv."

"Oh so you were thinking about him?"

I roll my eyes, "Whatever."

We sit in silence, while Clary and Sophie talk about pineapple on pizza.

"Tessa." Simon says softly.

"Yes, Simon."

"Be careful."

"Why?" I swear to God, if he gives me the talk...

"Because Will is a really important guy and he knows big people and has this huge fan base and you're my friend-" I cut him off.

"Your point is?"

"Don't let the media get to you. Please Tessa. Be careful."

I nod my head in understanding.

"I know Simon. I know. But don't worry about it. Will and I aren't going to date anytime soon."

"Still. Be careful."

You have been blessed by an update.

Fun Fact: I finished this chapter in the bathroom on the toilet thinking about chocolate.

Okay TMI TMI. I'll stop.

See you guys next update.

Comment Vote idk what else you do with a story.

❤ Lily

P.S. Please excuse all errors. I am lacking chocolate and I am lacking the ability to write words correctly and use proper punctuation.

P.P.S. Holy shit 1.07k views. What did Wattpad pay you guys?

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