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"Holy sons of God," Jan covered her mouth with her hands, "Holy sons of shit."

Will, Jem, and Jace were all three standing in front of me.

"Hey Gray," Jace did one of those guy nod things where they lift their head slightly as if saying
" 'sup bruh' ".

I rolled my eyes, "Hey Golden Boy."

Jan was just standing there trying to control her inner fangirl. She was visibly shaking and from the looks of it, on the verge of tears. This is just crazy.

Sure all three guys were easy on the eyes, rich and famous but there's no need to get so..so..whatever Jan was doing.

I turn my attention towards Will. "What do you want?"

He raised his hands in mock surrender, "Hey take it easy. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out for lunch."

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at the floor before meeting his freaking beautiful violet blue eyeballs with my gray ones.

"Why'd you bring them?" I signalling at Jace and Jem, who were currently slapping each other with the leaves of one of the house plants.

He shrugged, "Jace wanted to see the redhead-"

"Her name's Clary," Jace and I both interjected.

"Right. And Jem. Well wherever I go Jem goes and vice versa," He explained.

"And how exactly," I looked at my nails which needed an immediate manicure, "did you find me?"

Will laughed, "I found your instagram."

I shot up from my slouched position on my office chair.

"How the hell did you find my instagram?" I immediately grabbed my phone and looked at my notifications.

willyherondale started following you.

I stared at the notification and scrolled down. Apparently he liked all one thousand thirty six posts.

How the fuck did I not know this?

How did he find me and my workplace?

"This still doesn't explain how you found me," I placed my phone down and folded my hands. Looking up at him with both my eyebrows raised.

He smirked crookedly and leaned forward across the desk and I could feel his surprisingly cold, minty breath gently tingle my skin as he whispered in my ear.

"Jace called the redhead."

I pulled back and looked at him "How does blondie have her number?"

Before answering, Will came to where I was sitting, looked at the desk and with a quick movement of his arm, all the records that needed filing went to the ground.

Bastard even had the nerve to sit on the recently cleared desk.

I scoffed, "Who do you think you are?"

He looked at his nails, yawned and looked back at me his dark lashes hooding his blue eyes.

"According to Google, I'm William Owen Herondale. An English-Welsh actor who started his acting career taking on the role as George from the British television show, Peppa Pig."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at the clock on the wall.

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon. It's too late for lunch," I began to bend down to pick up the binders and papers that Will threw on the ground.

When Will Met TessaWhere stories live. Discover now