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I have named my AU (yes I created this) switchedtale I'm sorry if there's an AU already named this and I know the name is trash but it was this or flippedtale. Basically instead of the humans starting and winning the human monster war, monsters started and won it. They slaughtered most of the human clans only three clans  survived. The psychic, The science, and The war clan. The royal family who was supposed to rule and look over the land, somehow survived. The science clan discovered a way to make a serum that would show who their true soulmate is. It was quickly distributed. The only draw back was that if you felt any pain then your soulmate would feel exactly the same pain and if you died so would your soulmate. The name of their soulmate appeared somewhere on their body like a tattoo when they turn 16. After the first monster fell down he was adopted by the king and queen. Soon after that the monster died because he ate food that was fine for humans so they didn't know it would kill him. After he died the king and queen decided to hand over his ashes to the science clan for experiments, but before they were able to get the ashes to the science clan their daughter stole the monsters ashes and ran away and she hasn't been seen since. After that, several monsters fell down, six fell all in one year. Then no other monsters fell. Shortly after the princess ran away the science clan reported having found the ashes on the ground and they were going to begin experimentation but, before  the letter even made it to the castle the science clan had vanished. The young survivor only said "demon..." and ever since then he has been a mute. Three years after they got the six monster souls people began to feel depressed, and soon after that the black clan was formed. When the princess ran away the king and queen grew bitter towards their people, even towards their son who looked so much like his twin sister. They never abused him but they were still terrible parents.

I'm sorry for bad grammar but I'm very tired and I have a headache but yeah I'm really sorry but my totally awesome friend Sarah is my new editor so it should be good now (last part on this paragraph was written by the totally awesome editor)

A human, demon, and monster (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now