Let Me In

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Gerard's Veiw

"Gerard! Gerard Where are you!"

I hear someone calling from the kitchen. I rolled tiredly out of my bed, slinking down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. "Hello? Who's there?! What do you want!" I yell back to the backdoor.

"Gerard open up it's Frank I need help! Please! Please open the door!"

Oh, it was Frank! Why is he so panicky? "Ok Frankie, one sec. Let me unlock-" i hear other footsteps approuching. I then hurry my movements to open the door. As I unhinge the locks, Frank comes barrelling in. "Frank whats wrong?! Whats going on..?" Frank hunches over to catch his breath. "Just those guys again. They'll never cut me any slack.." of course the jocks. Me and Frank are best friends, and at school everyone mocks us for our appearance, Frank's Tattoos, My Black hair and my clothes... we get picked on alot but- Hey! At least i've got Frank and my brother, Mikey.

"Thanks for letting me in Gee. You're a lifesaver." Frank says, holding out a fist. I bump mine with his as he stands up and laughs. "So, why were'nt you at school?" He asks me. "Honestly, i don't know, probably just slept in..." i say, playfully punching his shoulder. "Owwwuchh!" He winks and rubs his shoulder. "So, what'd they say this time?" I ask, running my hands through my mess of hair. "The usual. 'Stupid emo fag did you forget your blades today harharhar'." He mocked. I laughed and motioned up to my room, he nodded and followed me up the stairs. "Where's the wardens?" He said jokingly. "Work." I say, taking off my shirt slipping on a new, clean one. "Oh okay!" He sits on my beanbag chair and slouches in it. "Is Mikes okay?" I ask, shaking my hair in the mirror. "From what I saw, he's fine. Him and that new kid are hanging out today after school I heard." What new kid? I haven't seen any new kids in the whole three years I've been in this school. I'm a year or two ahead of Frank in school, plus he just moved here last year. "What new kid?" I ask, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Bob Bryan or something like that, I don't know." He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and holds it towards me. "Sure." I say, grabbing one and placing it between my lips. "Do you have a lighter with you?" He sighs, "no, damn it." He kicks the floor and laughs at himself. "Shit frank! You got me excited!" I laugh and throw the cigarette back at him. He's cute when he giggles like this.

I mean what.
I'm totally straight.
I mean.... Forget it.

hi I'm Ariel, sup c: this is my first fanfic so I don't know exactly where I'm going with it. I don't own Gerard, or Frank, or anyone else from the band (sadly) but the storyline is mine c: I'll try to write parts as frequently as possible but if I can't get a part out, I'm sorry :-: but anyways. Hope you liked it cx
*waves goodbye*

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