➵ Not Very PG

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Stiles hummed as he changed the channel once again

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Stiles hummed as he changed the channel once again. It was a gloomy outside and there was nothing to do. We were bored out of our minds.

"How about this one?" Stiles asked. The familiar Mexican music sounded as the commercial ended.

"Stiles, as much as I love novellas, I do not feel like watching over dramatized shows." I sighed, laying my head on his lap with my feet dangling off of the couch's arm rest.

"True, true." Stiles muttered as he changed the channel. "Okay, how about...this one?"

"Are you trying to be funny?" I perked an eyebrow at my boyfriend. It seemed to be an ocean documentary, most likely PG, that was on the screen. The scuba divers focused their camreas onto a school of snapper fish.

"What? No..." Stiles trailed off, biting back a grin. I gave him a look. Stiles gave me a cheeky grin. "Maybe...okay yes. But! You can understand what the fish are saying...right?"


"So, can you repeat it?" Stiles beamed. I looked back at the school of fish to see them ignore the scuba divers.

"If you want I guess. This is a way to entertain ourselves." I shrugged.

"Okay, awesome!" Stiles pecked my lips. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "What's that one saying?"

"These creatures keep getting uglier and uglier. How do the gods and demigods deal with them?"

"I, okay, okay." I giggled. "Here I go. 'These creatures keep getting uglier and uglier. How do the gods and demigods deal with them?' And she's talking about the scuba divers. They think the costume is their actual apperance."

"They don't know that we wear suits?" Stiles asked.

"Most of them do, but if they are one of the fishes that aren't really exposed to humans then no." I explained.

"Hmm." Stiles nodded, he stared at the screen as another fish swam by. "How about that one?"

"Stupid freaking humans. Polluting our waters one second then filiming our lives the next. They need to stop dumping their crap in our homes."

"Well that isn't very PG." I laughed out.

"What did he say?" Stiles questioned. I told him what the grumpy Alaska blackfish had said. Stiles laughed. "Well who knew fish had such fowl language?"

"You'd be surprised." I chuckled out.

"Okay, okay. Next one."

"Shit. Crap. I'm late. I left them all alone. I'm late. She's gonna kill me. They are all going to kill me. Crapity crap. I'm dead. I'm- "  The fish was cut off as a shark swam behind it. When the shark opened it's mouth, the scene changed.

"He just got eaten..." Stiles said with wide eyes. My mouth dropped from shock.

"Well someone has to change into a male now." I muttered.

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