➵ Sticky Hands Part I

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"Nevah, whatcha working on?" Connor Stoll stood above me as I was sitting under a tree

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"Nevah, whatcha working on?" Connor Stoll stood above me as I was sitting under a tree. I glanced up at him before flipping to another page in the case file.

Well...a copy of a case file that Stiles has managed to sneak me. Noah was having a hard time with a case that seemed more in my experience than theirs. I had just recieved it not to long ago and I was reading the information of what they already know.

"Something." I replied, looking at the photo of a warehouse of sorts, located at the top of the page.

"What's that something?" He asked, sitting down next to me. He peered over my shoulder to try and see more information.

"Something." I smirked, shutting the case file shut. Connor sighed in defeat. Suddenly, the case was ripped away from me followed by a cackle. My eyes widened, stumbling to my feet. "Travis! Travis get back here with that! That's classified!"

"Nothings classified to me!" Travis sang out, running past campers. Grumbling curses in Ancient Greek, I ran after the Stoll. Connor wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me back.

"Run Travis!" Connor encouraged.

"You little..." I thrashed around in his hold, seething. Travis was now in the woods. Huffing, I threw my head back and stomped on Connor's foot before elbowing him in the stomach. He groaned in pain, letting me go.

Shoving past him, I ran in the direction Travis went. Entering the woods, I saw a glimpse of the Stoll climbing Zeus' Fist. I clenched my hands and stomped towards the large rock.

"Travis!" I yelled, now standing in front of Zeus' Fist. Scowling, I looked up. Travis was sitting at the top, his legs dangling. His brows were furrowed as he looked through the case. "Travis, give that back! It isn't meant for you to read!"

Travis waved me off, continuing to look through the files. Stiles is going to kill me. After Noah kills him first. Connor jogged up next to me, looking up at his brother. Travis was in the middle of flipping a page before he stopped. Looking down at me, he stood up with a grin.

"I know what the criminal is!" Travis exclaimed, closing the case file shut and quickly climbing down.

"What?" I asked. I haven't even finished looking at it.

"What do you mean, Travis?" Connor looked at his brother. Jumping down into a crouch, Travis walked towards us. He opened the file and pointed to a page that held a blurry picture of a man and the paragraph underneath it.

"This guy, Alexander Stone, he's a demigod. Sounds like he may even be either a son of Hermes or Mercury." Travis further explained. I looked at the paragraph and read it aloud.

"'Stone is known for theft. He first started off stealing from stores and shops. Now he is stealing important objects from major corperations. His last heist was at Pym Technologies. Leads have given us that his next target is Stark Industries.' Thats here in New York." I frowned and looked at the brothers.

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