➵ Wayne vs Stark

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"Batman is way better than Iron Man

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"Batman is way better than Iron Man." Stiles scoffed as he drove Roscoe.

"You take that back!" I gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. "Iron Man is better. Iron Man was the first to assemble and use all of the Infinity Gems. Tony also built a suit with the same Asgardian metal as what was used to build Thor's hammer. Keep in mind, he has built forty differemt suits all together. He's also a genius, a billionaire, in fact richer than Bruce Wayne, a philanthropist, actually considered a cyborg due to injecting himself with the Extremis virus and makes his armor be in his bones, and a playboy. Not to mention, he built the arc reactor-"

"So?" Stiles grumbled, stopping at a red light.

"So, what does Batman do other than being rich and being a hero?" I perked an eyebrow.

"Batman knows one hundred and twenty-seven different martial art styles, knows more than twenty-three languages, has a one ninety-two IQ, can do deadlifts up to one thousand pounds, can microsleep, and saves all of the other superhero's asses even though he is one hundred percent human." Stiles says as he parked in front of Little Ceasars.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?" I asked Stiles, turning to face him. 

"Hell yeah. Now let's go get our lunch so we can go home and watch a movie." He beamed at me, pecking my lips. Unbuckling our seatbelts, we got out of the Jeep. Heading into the resturant, we walked up to the cashier.

"Hello, how can I help you two?" The woman asked, looking in between Stiles and I before lingering her gaze on me. She looked me up and down with a small smile. "Hey dollface."

"Um." I blinked, the woman's stare making me feel uncomfortable.

"One large pepperoni please and two bottles of Coca-Cola." Stiles laced his fingers with mine, giving my hand a squeeze. He looked down at me. "Anything else babe?"

"Erm, some Crazy Bread and Sauce please." I told her, noting the frown on the cashier's face.

"Okay, anything else?" She asked, typing in our order.

"Nah, that will be it. Thank you." Stiles  took out his wallet.

"Your total is thirteen nineteen. Cash or card?"

"Cash." Stiles took out a ten and a five, giving it to the cashier. She took the money and finished the transaction. She gave Stiles the receipt. "Thanks."

The woman nodded and went to grab out food. As she did that, I went to the fridge and grabbed the two drinks we paid for. The woman returnes with our food, placing it on the counter.

"Have a nice day." Stiles smiled and nodded, grabbing our food.

"Thanks, you too." We both said, heading towards the door. I held open the door for Stiles. He gave me a smile and balanced the food on one hand as he fished for his keys. Unlocking the jeep, we entered it and closed the doors.

"That was so awkward." I grimaced, taking the food away from Stiles. "I don't think I have ever been hit on by a girl before."

"So you've been hit on by guys before?" Stiles asked, frowning as he started the engine.

"Once, but I broke his arm after trying to put his arm around me." I said, buckling up.

"You did what?" Stiles laughed, reversing out of the parking lot.

"You heard me." I chuckled, holding onto the food tightly. "He was being a douche. Percy actually almost punched him, but I beat him to it. After that, the guys at my school stopped cat calling and stuff. They were actually afraid to even sit next to me except for my friend Peter."

"That Peter Parker dude?" Stiles questioned, pulling into his neighborhood. I nodded. "Isn't weird that he was named after the comic guy?"

"Nah, a lot of people do that. Especially if they share the same last name as a comic character." I waved him off. Stiles hummed and pulled into his drive way. "Now let's go inside and eat. I'm starving and in a mood to cuddle."

"Alright," Stiles stifled a laugh, turning the jeep off. He reached for the drinks as I held onto the food. We got out and went into the living room. I set down the food on the coffee while Stiles set down the drinks. He started to head off towards the kitchen. "I'm going to go grab some napkins. What else do we need from the kitchen?"

"I can't think of anything else." I replied, turning on the TV. I kneeled down in front of it, also turning on the DVD player. Stiles came back with some napkins, putting them near the drinks. "You got the movie?"

"Yeah, it should be right next to the DVD player." Stiles brought down the pizza and the drinks. He opened the box of pizza and set it aside. Finding the case of the movie, I opened it. A smile spread across my lips. "Maid in Manhattan. Nice touch."

"Why thank you." Stiles beamed, laying down the blankets from the couches along with the pillows. I inserted the DVD and went over to Stiles. We sat down as the trailers started to play. Stiles immediately dug into the pizza, taking a bite.

"I wish we had more of these days." I sighed in content, grabbing a slice of pizza and curling my body into my boyfriend's.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked, wrapping an arm around me.

"Days where we relax and don't need to fight anyone." I looked up at him. "Where we can have these dates and actually be stress free."

"I know what you mean." Stiles nodded, setting his pizza down. With his free hand, he tilted up my chin. He gave me a soft smile. "But that ends up making days like these more blissful and enjoyable. We get to actually be together and relax, finally relieving ourselves from the world."

"You got a point there, Stilinski." I smirked, placing my slice down as well. Stiles' smile grew before he pressed his lips against mine. Soon, we forgot about the movie.

 Soon, we forgot about the movie

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