➵ Persassy

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"You know what I always wondered?" Someone loudly asked

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"You know what I always wondered?" Someone loudly asked. Who's in our cabin in the middle of the night? Fluttering my eyes, I sat up and looked around the cabin. I saw Percy buried underneath his blankets, his pillow covering his head. Leo was sitting on the floor next to Percy's bed, his chin in his hand.

"Leo?" I groggily rubbed my eyes. "Wah are you doing in here?"

"I'm asking Percy a question. You can go back to sleep. This doesn't concern you, Nev."

"Okay. Night." I yawned, cuddling my pillow.

"Anyways, like I was saying. Do you know what I have always wondered?  How do tall people sleep? Like do your feet stick out from the blankets, because there is no way that blanket can cover you from your shoulders to your toes. Or do you have to buy special blankets?" Leo went on.

"Dude." Percy groaned out. "It's four o'clock in the freaking morning!"

"You can't sleep huh? Is it because of the blanket not covering your toes?"

"Can you two keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here." I grumbled, turning my back towards them.

"Yeah, so am I. Thanks for the help, Nev." Percy said. "Leo, why aren't you asleep in your cabin?"

"Oh, I couldn't go to sleep. This thought has kept me up all night." Leo replied.

"Then go bother Jason." Percy muttered.

"Huh...that's a good idea. He's taller than you. Okay, see you two in the morning." Leo called out as the door to our cabin opened.

"It is morning!" Percy yelled. Leo chuckled and closed the door. "Finally, sleeeep."

"Shut up, I'm trying too." I slurred out, my leg half way off the bed.

"You shut up." Percy mumbled back, stifiling a yawn.

"No you."

"You shut up."

"Why are we telling each other to shut up if we're both exhuasted and tired?" I asked, releasing another yawn.

"We're too tired to function. I blame Leo."

"Go to sleep Seaweed Brain."

"Will do Dugon."

"Thalia only calls me that."

"Oh well, I don't care."

"Go to sleep Perce."


"Wake up! I have to prove something to Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth." Leo barged into the cabin once again.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groggily asked, wiping the drool away from the corner of my mouth. Percy snored.

"Time to wake up. Why are you two so out of it?" Annabeth asked, crossing her arms. She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at her boyfriend. Shifting in my bed, I saw my older brother half on and half off his bed. His head was on the floor with his feet on the bed.

"How is that even comfortable?" Jason laughed out.

"With the minimum amount of sleep we got because of someone," I glared at Leo. He gave me a cheeky smile in return. "We couldn't go back to sleep. I'm surprised I'm even awake right now, but honestly this could all be a dream and I wouldn't even know it."

"You're not dreaming 'cuz I'm awake." Percy mumbled, slipping onto the floor. He sighed, his body spread out on the floor like a star fish.

"Anyways! Can I go ahead and prove what I need to prove?" Leo eagerly said.

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead." Percy lazily waved his hand. With a sigh and pushed himself up and sat against his bed.

"Okay, okay. Here we go." Leo summoned fire into one of his hands.

"You better not burn down this cabin because I'm too tired and lazy to put it out." I slowly sat up, hugging my pillow. My lips curled up in disgust when I felt something wet on my pillow. I looked down at it and sighed. "Oh, it's just drool."

"Look! I'm so much hotter than Percy." Leo smirked, waving his fingers around.

"You know what, you are hotter than me." Percy shrugged, standing up.

"Told you guys!" Leo fist pumped the air.

"He is?" Frank uncertainly looked at Leo and then at Percy.

"Oh yeah. He is. You're hotter than me because you know I'm cooler than you." Percy smirked and he willed the water from the fountain Tyson had made him towards Leo. Leo's eyes widened as the gushing water knocked him into his back.

I laughed, jumping out of my bed. Annabeth shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. Piper was laughing so hard, bending over as she held her stomach. Hazel looked at Leo with worry, a few chuckles slipping through. Frank and Jason were full out laughing and rolling on the floor.

"Now, I'm hungry. Have they served breakfest yet?" Percy asked, stepping over Leo.

"Not yet." Leo sputtered out.

"Awesome. Let's go, Perce." I grinned, looping my arm into my brother's. Percy smiled and we started to head out. "I'm starving. I might just get a cup of coffee. You?"

"Hmm...don't know yet. I'll see what they have today."

"Guys, I think you forgot something." Annabeth told us. I frowned and looked at Percy.

"Oh! Right." Percy flicked his hand, willing the water to go back to the fountain. "Okay, now we can go eat."


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