Bonus chapters of the Nevah Vis series.
Book 1- Confluent [completed]
Book 2 - Imperable [completed]
Book 3 - Torrent [completed]
Cover creds to @-beIIamybIake
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I sat on Stiles' bed swinging my legs back and forth with bottle of Coca-Cola in my hands. He was currently finishing up some homework at his desk. It was a Friday night and I came straight to Beacon Hills after I got let out of Goode. Mrs. O'Leary is taking a nap in the back yard with her snores shaking the house slightly.
"What homework are you even working on?" I asked, getting off of the bed to take a look. I placed my drink on his nightstand. Walking over, I leaned foward and placed my arms on Stiles' shoulder to see his assignment. He was working on a packet with multiple choice and short answers.
"AP English. I'm almost done, don't worry." Stiles reasaured, looking up at me with a smile. He set his pencil down and wrapped an arm around my waist. Stiles tugged me to sit on his lap, snaking one of his arms around my middle.
"Is it over a reading?" I questioned, reading a question that mentioned a book.
"Utopia." Stiles hummed, placing his chin on my shoulder. He circled 'B'.
"Did you know that Thomas Moore was one of the first authors to include himself in his own story?" I said as I leaned back into him.
"No, I didn't." Stiles paused and looked at me. "They didn't teach us that in class."
"It's something I heard from Annabeth when she came over once." I shrugged. "Her and Percy were working on homework together. You know how she randomly spits out facts."
Stiles nodded and read the final question on the page. Quickly scribbling something to the side of the answers, he started to mark out some choices.
"And..." Stiles dragged out, circling another answer choice. "I'm done for today."
He then dramatically dropped his pencil on his desk. With a cheeky grin, he wrapped both of his hands around my waist and pecked my cheek. I giggled and kissed him on the lips.
"Do you have any homework to get back to?" Stiles muttered, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Just biology." I replied. "Easy stuff."
"Great. More time for making out." Stiles gave me a boyish grin, mischief twinkilng in his eyes.
"Cuddling." I corrected.
"Uh, yeah sure. But mostly-"
"Cuddling." I cut him off. Stiles narrowed his eyes at me with his lips pursed. I perked an eyebrow, challenging him to try and correct me. When he didn't say anything, I smiled and got off his lap. "Glad you agree."
"I didn't-no way in hell did I agree." Stiles started to sputter out. "I so did not agree."
I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards his closet. Once my back was to him, I smirked. Stiles was still rambling his disagreements. I opened his door to his closet and shuffled through his clothes.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Stiles asked, getting out of his chair.
"Grabbing a flannel." I grinned once I saw a comfortable looking red flannel and took it off of it's hook. A hand suddenly took it awag from me. "Hey!"
"Why do you want my flannel?" Stiles rasied an eyebrow.
"I'm cold." I went to grab the flannel only for Stiles to raise it above his head. "Stiles."
"Nevah." Stiles mocked.
"Give me the flannel." I reached for the article of clothing once again. Stiles raised it higher, a smirk now apperaring on his lips. "Stiles this isn't funny. I'm just going to borrow the damn thing."
"If its just a damned thing then borrow one of my hoodies or get a blanket." Stiles responded.
"Why won't you let me wear your flannel?" I pouted, crossing my arms. "You're okay with me wearing your other clothes."
"'Cause this is my favorite flannel." Stiles argued, his hold tightening on the fabric.
"Okay, fine. Can I wear another flannel then?" I sighed, already turning back to the closet to look for another flannel. Seeing a green one, I quickly took it off the hanger and put it on before Stiles could protest.
"Yeah." Stiles bit his lip. He lightly smiled at me. "Sorry for making a big deal out of this flannel."
"It's okay." I smiled back, taking a hold of his hand and lacing our fingers. "Why is it so important to you?"
"This was the last thing my mom bought before she got sick." Stiles anxiously scratched at his cheek. "Uh, she got it for my dad at first. He hated it."
He let out a laugh, shaking his head. Stiles' eyes started to water at the thought of his mom.
"He was too afraid to tell her though." Stiles continued. "Dad ended up giving me the flannel saying I would grow into it. I guess thats what started my flannel collection."
"I'm sorry for trying to wear it without asking." I frowned. "I didn't know."
"You have nothing to say sorry about. I kind of overreacted. I should've explained why." Stiles pecked my lips. "Maybe one day you will be able to wear it or even keep it."
"You would let me keep it?" I gasped in shock.
"Mom would really like you." Stiles nodded with a smile.
"I know your very attatched to it. We'll take baby steps. Yeah?"
"Baby steps sound great." Stiles beamed. "By the way, you look great in green."
"The green matches your eyes and they make them look even more like a sea green color. Kinda like Percy's but brighter." Stiles rambled.
"You pay attention to Percy's eyes more than mine?" I teased. "I knew you liked him more than me."
"I, wait, no. That's not what I meant. I like you way more than Percy. Like waaaaay more. " Stiles sputtered out. "You two have really unique green eyes. And-"
"Stiles, babe, I'm just messing with you." I chuckled, snaking my arms around his neck. "But now I'm starting to think you two have a bromance going on."
"Uh..." Stiles blinked rapidly. "No?"
"No?" I perked an eyebrow.
"Nope. Nuh-huh. No bromance going on. Like at all. At all." Stiles quickly let out. I laughed, shaking my head.
"I don't know with that reply...but okay."
AN: finished writing this very late and with little sleep so if it doesnt make sense thats why
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