there's an infestation in my minds imagination

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"F U C K!!" Umbrella shouts as the rain pelts her back and arms, creating burns and welps.

The thunder rumbling around her, masks the sound of a car engine. She's running parallel to Route Guano, now.

The Trans-Am speeds past, but then cones to stop, the tail lights turning on, to indicate breaking and reversing.

"IN!!" a voice snaps, hands grabbing at her and pulling her into the car. As soon as she's in, the door slams shut and they're speeding off again.

"Are you okay?"

Umbrella pulls her helmet off and wraps it in her jacket.

"Yea. Just my back and arms."

Her grey eyes dance over the occupants of the car, and she clenches her jaw to keep it from dropping.

It's them.

Dr. D's top recruits and the most recognized Killjoy's in the Zone's.

The Fabulous Four.

Consisting of Party Poison, Kobra Kid, Jet Star, and Fun Ghoul. They're legendary shots, and the self-proclaimed leaders of the rebellion of color.

She's sitting, pressed up between the door and Fun Ghoul. Jet Star is on the other side of him. Kobra's driving and Party is in the passenger.

"When we get to the diner, we can treat your arms so they don't get infected." Party states, looking at her in the mirror.

His eyes are an incredible hazel color, and She looks down at her boots.

"Who are you?"

"Umbrella Vampire."

"Dr. D's infamous niece?"

"No. His 2nd cousin."

Umbrella crosses her arms as Ghoul laughs at Party's surprised reaction.

She allows herself a slight smirk as the rain let's up some.

"We're almost there." Kobra says, turning off the paved road onto a dirt one.

Umbrella bites her bottom lip, and looks out the window.

Of all the people that could've picked her up....


Believe it or not, they got inside just as the rain really got worse.

Party and Ghoul are (Making out.) tending to Umbrella's wounds. She watches them. After they're finished, both of her arms, from shoulder to wrist, and her torso are covered in white bandages.

The radio is set on the table behind them.

"-ghosted. Look out, Killjoy's. A full BL/Inds purge is going out in the Zone's. Once the storm passes over you, high-tail it outta there.

Find a spot and keep it.

And to my Wicked Sandstorm, I hope you're still firing. I'd hate to see you go Costa Rica.


Umbrella gets up and shuts the radio off.

At the end of every transmission, he'll leave her a message. Few to no Killjoy's know it's for her. They assume it's to someone dead or in hiding.

They're kind of right in a way.

"Whadya' do that for?" Fun Ghoul frowns, turning to her.

"Tired." she states in a monotone voice, "Do you have somewhere I can sleep?"


Ghoul gets out and Party watches them. They walk to a back hall of the diner, where four bedroom reside.

"You can use the one on the very end." Ghoul says, gesturing to said room.

Umbrella gives him a turse nod, and walks in, closing the door.

The rain has left their Zone, but the clouds still linger. She doesn't care though.

Pulling open the window, she grips the edge of it and throws up.

Wiping the bile from her chin, with shaking hands, she closes the window and slides against the wall.

Her throat stings. Her first thought is some type of food sickness. But, she's been eating the same Power Pup for months.

Next is dehydration, which is very possible, except for the fact she just threw up mostly water.

Radiation poisoning.

The very thought of it, makes her turn back to the window.

There's a knock on the door as she finishes, barley able to stand straight.

"Umbrella? Can I come in?"


She keeps a hold of the window as Party opens the door and enters.

"So, Ghoulie gave you, my room. Typical."

"Wha-What do you need?"

"The BL purge is going reach us in about 3 hours. That may seem like allot of time, but it's not. We have to-"

He's cut off by Umbrella leaning out the window again.

"Are you okay?" he frowns, taking a step forward.

"Don't." She chokes, holding out her hand.

"I'm just trying to help-"

"I don't need your trying or your help." She snaps.

Party stops and drops his, outstretched, hand to his side.

"Okay then, Sunshine." He hisses the word, as if an insult, "We move out in an hour."

He leaves, slamming the door. Every thing always ends with a slamming door for her.

Chapter 2!!!!! Are you guys liking it so far?

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