how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss

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Umbrella sits, still sleeping, in the booth farthest from the door. Her head is propped back and her lips are parted slightly.

The sun shines down on her, not telling of the day to come.

Ghoul is on watch, and everyone else is asleep. It seems like today will be just another day, trying not die from the sun.


The yell makes Umbrella jump, and grab her gun. Ghoul is standing in the doorway, eyes wild.

"10 or 11 Dracs with 3 Scarecrow chaperones!!"

Everybody's out in the front, getting their guns ready.

Party and Umbrella refuse to meet each others eyes, and Kobra looks between them suspiciously.

The vans roll over the hill and skid to a stop a little ways away.

"Here we go." Party shouts, running out.

The others follow.

Shots are being fired from both sides as the Killjoys advance toward the Dracs.

Kobra calls out as a blast hits his shoulder. Ghoul covers as Jet hastily wraps a bandage around it.

Party and Umbrella are ducking behind the garage together. They don't see the Scarecrow before its too late.

Party screams as the mask is put over his head.

Umbrella turns and guns down the Drac, kneeling in front of Party.

"C'mon, Party. You gotta take off the mask."

He struggles and claws at the rubber.

"Look at me, Party!!"

He does and suddenly freezes.

"Take the mask off!!"

She reaches for him, but he backs away.

"DESTROYA!!" He screams, pointing at her, and grabbing around for his blaster.


Something hard slams into the back of her head and she falls at his feet.


Jet and Ghoul fire at the Dracs from behind the parked Trans-Am.

"Stop!!" Ghoul yells, pulling Jet Star's arm.

Two Dracs carry a limp Umbrella Vampire into a van.


Ghoul fires blindly, running after the van. Its out of range too quickly, and he screams.

"Ghoul!!! Get yourself together!!" Jet says, shaking his friend.


They turn to where Kobra is sitting, backing away from his older brother.

Jet runs and jumps Party, knocking him to the ground.

He struggles under the weight as Ghoul holds down his arms. Kobra grabs the edge of the mask and pulls it from Party's head.

The redheaded Killjoy goes still almost immediately.

He blinks a couple times before pushing Jet and Ghoul off him, and throwing up into the sand.

"Wh-Where's Umbrella?"

Ghoul stands up and walks to the diner. Jet quietly explains as Kobra throws the Drac mask as far as he can into the desert.



"Look Alive, Sunshine."

Umbrella's eyes shoot open.


"Not quite."

The faces come into focus and Umbrella's stomach drops along with her heart.


Sorry for the shortness. Love your feedback!!

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