tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me even-

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tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me even if it's fake

"Party? Are you okay? What happened?"

Party Poison's hands shake as he pushes Fun Ghoul away. The black haired Killjoy frowns. Kobra pushes him out and closes the door.

"Ger-uh, Party. What's wrong? Are you sick?"

Party curls himself tighter around Umbrella's pillow, as acidic tears trail down his face.

He doesn't know what's wrong.

Words are trapped in his throat, and he can't move without feeling like he's going to puke.

Someone says something to Kobra, who grunts in response. The door shuts and the mattress dips down.


Umbrella's soft voice cuts through his thoughts. Her hand gently brushes his hair back.

"Party, can you tell me what's wrong?"

He shakes his head, as she crawls over him, and lays facing him. Her hand tangles in his hair as she moves it around the back of his head.

"You've got a pretty bad bump. You may have a concussion. Do you feel sick?"

A nod is all he can manage before the shaking takes over again. His hands dig further into the pillow. He hates being sick.

Umbrella moves her hands through his hair, trying to calm him down.


Umbrella twists Party's hair back as he wretches into the toilet. She pulls his jacket off and throws it in his room.

The other members of the Four sit in the main part of the diner, talking quietly.

Tears dry on Party's face as he gasps for air.

"Slow down, Poison. Drink some water."

He nods, taking the bottle from her.

She rubs his back and walks to where the other boys are.

"Party has a concussion."

Jet sighs, "How bad is it?"

"As far as I can tell, he'll be okay. Him being sick is actually a good thing. If we have any stomach and sleeping pills, that'll probably help a ton."

Kobra runs to the back to get the pills as Ghoul loops his fingers through hers, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Umbrella takes the pills from Kobra and walks back to the bathroom.

The redhead sits, his back against the wall, agonizing moans escaping his lips.

"C'mon, Party. Swallow these and we'll get you to bed."

He shaking picks up the water bottle, and downs the pills before standing. Umbrella leads him to his room and gently rolls him onto the mattress.

He wraps his arms around her neck, pulling her toward him. Her lips brush his tanned skin, as she presses her hands to his sides.

"I miss you when you're not here." he whispers, dropping his head onto the pillow.

Umbrella frowns.

"Okay, Party. Goodnight."


She carefully moves his arms and presses a kiss to his forehead.


"I think he knows."

"Knows what?"

"About this. Us."

"Why does it matter?" Fun Ghoul asks, pressing open mouth kisses along her jaw.

"He looked heartbroken." she breaths, tangling her hands his long, dark hair.

"He'll be fine."

"I hope so."

Fun continues kissing down her neck and collar-bones, over tattooed her shoulders.

Sorry for the late update!!

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