fighting battles in the dark as she falls asleep

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Umbrella sits against the wall, red smudges decorations the white.

A piece if gauze sits over her right eye. It's completely red.

She's only been in here 12 hours.


They enter Zone 1 and suddenly a chill sweeps through the car. Everyone is grave.

They don't know what's going to happens, but they steel themselves.


Umbrella presses around the walls, looking for any possible crack or crevice.

Some flaw.


The Fab Four crash straight through the gate, and the watch out.

They exit the tunnel and BLI's headquarters comes into view.

They skid to a stop, and look at each other, silently acknowledging that this could be their last mission.


Muffled explosions come from the other side of the door. Umbrella presses herself against the metal, dreading what Party will say when he sees her, for who she really is.

A monster and a spy and a lair.


Ghoul continues to throw the mini grenades. They're taking out 'Crows and Dracs, left and right.

Party runs down the hall, looking for the right door.

The elevator at the other end opens.



Kobra stands back to back to back with Jet and Ghoul.

They're firing in a circle.

He hopes Party gets back quickly. The Dracs are starting to double.


Party dodges the ray and fires as Korse's legs.

The head Scarecrow goes to his knees as Party quickly busts in the DESTROYA door.

Umbrella runs past him and out to the main room.

Korse fires, hitting Party square in the back.


Umbrella grabs the gun of one of the dead Dracs.

She fires along side the others, telling them her plan. They don't object, knowing it's the only way.

Party falls as he exits the hallway, smoke rising from his back.

Umbrella covers Jet as he quickly presses a bandage to Party's back.

She picks up Party's head, his eyes are wild.

"Hey." she runs her thumb over his cheek.


"No. Shh. I'm sorry, Party. I'm really really sorry. I love you though, okay. I love you."

Jet gets Party's arm around his shpulder and runs out the doors. Ghoul turns to Kobra.

Who falls to the ground.

Multiple holes litter his torso, smoke drifting from every one of them.

Ghoul grabs him, and runs out to the car. They all climb in and speed out of the city.

The end is near.

no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now