i hate my weaknesses, they made me who i am

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Party Poison sits, cross-legged on the counter. Everyone else is asleep. He offered to take the first watch of the night.

He'll trade off with Jet at midnight. Then Kobra and Fun switch the next night.

He holds the radio, twisting the station dial through static. That is, until he hits station 91.9.

"-DESTROYA will save us.

It will come sweeping in with Poison and Ghouls. Kobra's and Jet's.

The weapon BL created to kill us

Will free us.


"What's DESTROYA?"

Party jumps, pulling his blaster and pointing it.

Umbrella just watches him, a wicked gleam in her dark eyes.

"A ghost story." he grunts, turning back to Dr. D. Cherri Cola's voice rings through, as the night DJ.

"Do you believe it?" she asks, sitting in a booth, and propping her feet on the table.

"All ghost stories have an element of truth that created them in the first place."

"Is that a low-key yes?"

"Why are you up, Vampire."


Party blows a frustrated sigh through the hair hanging in his face. The bright red locks bordering the colors of crimson and cherries.

"Go back to bed."

He sets the radio on the window and sits across from Umbrella.

"Why are you up? Really. And why were you running from Zone 7 in a toxic storm?'

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"I don't just know things. I gather information."

She plants her feet on the ground, lifting a small cloud of dust.

"So I'm just another information source to you, Poison?"

"With the way you've been acting, you're obviously not a friend."


She leans toward him, across the table.

"You're hair matches your hands."

"What do you mean?"

His eyebrows knit together, AND she watches his eyes moves back and forth as if reading.

"They're both covered in red."

His lips part with a huff.

"You think I don't know that?"

"I think you try to hide how much there really is."

She stands, leaving the confused killjoy and walks back to the bedrooms.

Time to cause a little chaos.

Surprise update!!!

no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now