if i'm a bad person, you don't like me, i guess i'll find my own way

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Umbrella tosses in the bed, trying to plan out how to use DESTROYA. Her eyes flash a neon red as the door opens and Kobra comes in, collapsing next to her.

"Tired?" she asks, pushing his hair back from his face.

He grunts in response and pulls the blankets from her.

Rolling her eyes, she gets up abd walks out to the front of the diner. Jet Star is speaking calmly to someone who's speaking quickly and in a panic. She looks around the corner and sees a familiar red leather jacket.


Her eyes narrow, and she runs back to Kobra's room to warn him. Before she can get it open, Fun stumbles out of his room.

"Morning." he mutters, running his hands through his hair.


Fun shrugs and walks into the bathroom.

Falling back on plan B, Umbrella walks out to the front of the diner. Cherri is now sitting in a booth, looking distraught.

Jet is no where to be seen.

"Hey, Cherri."

"Umbrella!! Dr. D's dead. I know who killed him."

She looks around the diner. Still no one.

"C'mon. Tell me outside."

"Shouldn't the others hear too? I think they'll need to."

"I'll tell them. Break it to them softly."


Cherri follows Umbrella around the diner, to the back, just in front of Kobra's bedroom window.

Umbrella rapidly knocks on the glass. The shade goes up a second later and Kobra opens the window.


Cherri's eyes go wide and he backs away from Kobra.


Kobra goes poker-faced, and climbs out the window. Umbrella pulls out her ray gun as Cherri starts to sprint away.

She and Kobra chase after him. They're almost to the raid bunker, when they finally catch up to him.

They pull him out of sight of the diner and Kobra holds him down as Umbrella presses the blaster time his forehead.

"You'll never breath a word of this, again." She hisses, "And sadly you'll never grow old enough to get silver in your hair."


She silences him.

"You know about the ghost stories. About DESTROYA."

Cherri nods, swallowing hard.

"Well I'm gonna add one more ghost to airwaves. Goodbye, Cherri."


"Where'd Cherrie go?" Jet asks, as Umbrella emerges from the stock room, holding a can of Power Pup.

"Cherri was here?"

"Yea. Said he had something to tell us."

"Aw." Umbrella's face falls, "I must've missed him. He wasn't here when I came out."

Jet rolls his eyes.

"He probably left because it took so long to get Sleeping Beauty up." he guestres to Party, who's rubbing his hands over his face.

Fun walks in a minute later, his hair still tangled and eyes half-lidded.

"Where's Kobra?" Party mutters, taking the can of Power Pup from Umbrella.

"Asleep." Jet responds, taking out another can of Power Pup, "He just came in from watch."

Umbrealla takes the can back from Party as he lays his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes.


"Kobra!!" Party yells, as his little brother sprints across the sand, looking terrified.

"What did you do?" Umbrella laughs, as she stops spray-painting the back of the garage.

"I may or may not have said he looked like girl." the blond says, biting his lip and ducking around the corner as Party walks to where Umbrella is.

"Do I look like a girl!?"

She stands from her crouched position and walks toward him, tossing the spray can down.

"Kinda. But a hot girl."

"Kobra said I need a haircut."

"You do. It's gonna get in your eyes when you shoot."

"What about Fun?! His hair is longer then mine."

"Yea. But he keeps it out of his face."

She kisses his lips quickly. As she goes to pull away, He grips her waist and keeps her body flush to his.

"Kiss me like we're about to die."

"We're like the atomic bomb of all lovers, Party."

"If we're Demolition Lovers, so be it. I still love you."

"I know."

Long ass update. I'm planning on updating this story more frequently.

Also, my library completely cleared out and I head to go back and search for all the books I want to keep.


no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now