you know how to make me cry, when you give me those ocean eyes

812 39 19

-Two Months-

Kobra grabs Umbrella's wrist, jerking her from sleep. She looks up at him, bleary eyed, running a hand through her hair.

"He's on his way."

All sleep leaves her mind and body as she sees the panic in Kobra's eyes.

"Calm down-"

"T-They're gonna find out what I did!! And Korse is gonna kill us!! And-"

"Hey." Umbrella places her hands on his shoulders, "Calm. Is there a way we could intercept the-"

Jet's voice rings through the diner, "BLI van!! 5 to 10 Dracs!! Two 'Crows!!"

Kobra's tanned skin suddenly goes as white as a sheet. Umbrella's hand slip down from his shoulders to his fingers.

"We'll figure this out."

He shakes his head, "I wish I had never gotten into this."

"You thought it was the right thing."

Doors are slamming and there's low talking. They walk out and load their guns.

Kobra puts on his helmet and turns to Umbrella, who does the same. Party Poison stands firmly, his eyes darting around.

He sees Umbrella lean toward Kobra and say something. His younger brother nods and picks up his gun.

The van pulls to a stop outside and the Fab Four run out to meet it. 


Korse stands, shoulder to shoulder with the Dracs. His eyes are hidden behind dark sunglasses.

His fingers twitch around the handle of his gun, and he holds it across his chest.


The Scarecrows in the van are counting down.


He looks Party Poison in the eyes, and a slight smile pulls at his thin lips.


He fires, hitting Poison in the shin. The other Dracs are firing, but he knows they won't hit anything.

Umbrella ducks behind the building and he runs after her.

He grabs her arm, and she spins around, face unreadable beneath the helmet.

"You can't stall forever, DESTROYA." He hisses, pulling her back toward the van.

She puts up little to no fight as he throws her in, but he doesn't pay attention to it.

Jet Star us keeled over Party as Kobra Kid and Fun Ghoul keeps firing, oblivious to the fact that Umbrella is gone.

Korse climbs into the van and it speeds off, leaving the Dracs to their fate.


Ghoul shoots the last Drac down, and immediately jumps on Kobra.


The two go tumbling to the ground, Ghoul sitting on top of Kobra.

"What did you do?" he demands, wrapping his hands around the blond's neck.

Loose enough he can talk,  but tight enough that he gets the message. 

"I d-didn't-"

"What the hell, Ghoul!!" Party yells, pushing the younger Killjoy, from his brother.

"He's one of them." Ghoul says, standing, "He's a BLI spy. He and Umbrella. They killed Cherri. And Dr. Death-Defying."

Party steps away from his brother, who's desperately pulling at his hair.

"Umbrella didn't kill, Death-Defying. I did."

"Why...?" the redhead breaths.

"He knew too much. And Cherri saw what I did. It had to be done."

"No it didn't!!" Party's fingers are slowly inching for his gun, "In what universe was that the right thing?!"

"In mine!!" he shouts back, eyes wild, "I mean-it-it- he threatened to kill you, Party!! I did this to save you, to save us!!"

"From what?"


"DESTROYA isn't real!!"

"Yes, she is!!"

The second word in the sentence, stops Party cold.


"Yes, she, Party!! It's Umbrella!! She's the thing that's going to save us!!"


Jet and Ghoul are watching the two, transfixed by the exchange.

"There's a bomb. Inside Umbrella. It's a Genetic one only she can detonate. Better Living was going to use it blow us up, but Umbrella changed her mind. She's going to destroy Battery City."

There's a deathly silence, Kobra staring hard at the ground, and Party staring just as hard at the top of his brothers head.


Party's voice is cold, his words spoken through clenched teeth.

"Where. Is. Umbrella."


She's thrown to the floor, back inside a cell.

"I'll be back to deal with you, shortly." Korse growls, "And don't try to detonate. It won't work in here."

He slams the door.

Umbrella takes a shaky breath.

She needs to get out of here.

I'm so sorry this book is taking forever. We're close to the end though!!

no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now