you only live forever in the lights you make

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-Three Months-

Umbrella sits on the roof of the diner, braiding Ghoul's hair. His head is in her lap, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Y'know, Party's not mad."

"Lies. He won't talk to me, and he avoids me as much as possible."

"You got your leg blown off."


As they were leaving the Nest, a Scarecrow unit swooped in, and everyone scattered like rats.

She got shot in the leg, and didn't treat it quick enough. Luckily there was a robotic leg to replace her's, but Party still seems mad that she let it happen.

After that, rumours that Dr. D was a BL/Inds spy. She snuck to see him one time. He assured her everything was going to be fine, and years of unrest between them was put aside.

The radio next to Umbrella suddenly shoots out a burst of static.

"Look Alive, Sunshine. It's 109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit.

You're here with me, Dr. Death Defying-"

Umbrella's hands still.





She jumps up, looking around. The Trans-Am is gone.

"Ghoul. Where are Party and Kid?"

"Dr. D's. Why?"

"Oh God."

She jumps down from the roof and runs into the diner. Jet is lazily messing with his blaster.

"Jet, we have to to Dr. D's."


"It's the recording!! He never plays that unless we've been intercepted or something's gone wrong at the station."

Jet immediately gets up, as Ghoul runs in.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

Umbrella's worry increases as they set out. Are they okay? Are they hurt?

Are they dead?

She shakes her head and climbs onto the ATV behind Ghoul.


"Party? Kobra?"

Ghoul runs to the station, Umbrella and Jet right behind him.

"D!!" Umbrella gasps, running to the DJ. Smoke raises from his chest in several places, she shakes him in his wheelchair, "C'mon!! You're supposed to be Dr. Death Defying. Wake up!!"

"Found them!!" Jet shouts from the back.

Umbrella is up on her feet, running to Party. He stands, a little dazed. His eyes are out of focus and dull, as she hugs him.

"You're okay."


He hugs her back and drops his face into her shoulder. Kobra gets off the floor, slowly, dabbing at the blood at his hairline.

Umbrella hugs him too, and they walk to the front.

"Wait. Where's Cherri?"

Umbrella begins searching. The co-DJ is no where to be found. She shakes her head, and grabs a shovel from the trunk of the Trans-Am.

The Fab Four watch as she digs a a grave and dumps him into it, marking the headstone with a crude wooden cross and a pair if headphones.

"Ah, man." she crosses her legs and sits at the foot of the grave, "I'm sorry, D. I was such a pain. And you really did try to help me."

She puts her head against the sand.

"I'm sorry, Dad."


Kobra, Party, and Jet go in the car, while Ghoul takes one of the ATVs.

Umbrella finishes her mourning, and walks into the trashed radio station. She ejects the tape and shoves it in the pocket of her jacket, before picking up Dr. D's aviators from the floor.

Whoever did this must've known how to use the board, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to play the recording. The sound board is unmarked. It was built specifically for Dr.D and Cola.

Why would you want to alert someone after you kill?

She angrily kicks over a stack of vinyl records, and they go sprawling across the floor. She puts one on the player, turns it on, and places the needle on the inside of the record.

Now its only the sound of dead air, but she refuses to let Dr. Death Defying be taken over by static.

She climbs on the ATV and drives back to the diner.

Update lull. Sorreh!!

no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now