you be my gravity, i'll be your oxygen

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Umbrella storms in the diner, takes the radio, and shuts herself in Party's room.

She puts the tape in.

"Look Alive, Sunshine
109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit.

You're here with me, Dr. Death Defying.

I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter,

Pumping out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you live-

Look Alive, Sunshine-

Dr. Death Defying-

Keep you live-

Look Alive, Sunshine-

Look Alive, Sunshine-

Look Alive-

Look Alive-

Look Alive-


Party sits against the outside of his door trying to remember what happened.

Walking into the station, Mikey-Kobra- behind him.

Getting hit in the head.

Cherri running out.

Dr. D getting shot.

Being dragged to the back, his little brother being thrown beside him.

Nothing points them any where, except....

But why? Even if the theory was true, he would be the one person to know 100% if Dr. D was BL/Inds or not.

He feels himself start to fall, and stands up. Umbrella stands on the other side, curling back around the radio as she replays the tape over and over.

He gently takes it from her and sets it on the floor.

"He was all I had left." she whispers, as Party kicks off his boots and climbs into the bed.

"You have us." he whispers back.

"Do I though?"

She looks up at him, the moon behind her casting shadows across her face.



She closes her eyes and buries her face into where his shoulder meets his neck.

Her breaths begins to fall into a calming pattern and Party finds himself falling asleep.

He drapes his arm over her and let's the sweet relief of sleep wash over him.


It's early morning or late night. All Party knows, is he's cold.

He slips his jacket and boots on and wanders around, looking for Umbrella Vampire.

She's not outside or in the front of the diner. He walks past Ghoul's room and hears talking.

The door is slightly open, and he looks through.

Ghoul and Umbrella, lay facing each other. He's saying something to her and she's nodding. He tucks her head under his chin and closes his eyes.

Party backs away from the door and walks to his room, his heart dropping.

He frowns.

Maybe he's gotten used to Umbrella being on the other side of the bed. Maybe he's starting to enjoy her presence. Her laugh. Her smile. Her sass.


He laus back down, not bothering to take his jacket or boots off again. He leans into Umbrella's pillow, breathing deeply.

Sand, sweat, and a sweet flower-y smell that reminds him of home.

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no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now