and i hope you do the same, aw sugar

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Luck seemed to be on their side. The motel in Zone 3 had the IV and they got Party on a constant drip until he can eat properly again.

Umbrella pulls Kobra out, into the garage.

"I can't do it, Kid."

"Can't do what?"

"Look at him!! He's a kid!! We're all just kids!!"

"Your point?" the blond asks, agitated.

"I can't slaughter this lot. I can't be the DESTROYA."

"You have to!! There's...There's no way out!!"

"We'll figure it out, Kobra. Did you really want to blow your brother up in the first place?"


"Look, just...just stall Korse as long as possible."

They exit the garage as Ghoul comes out of the diner.

"There you two are. Party's asking for you, Kobra."

He nods and goes in. Ghoul catches Umbrella's arm as she goes to follow.

"I know about, Cherri." he whispers, letting her go and walking to the Trans-Am.


Korse paces the length of the communications room.

"I told you not to trust a couple kids." The Leader snaps, her eyes narrowing.

"They know what they're doing." he states in a calm voice.

A slight shine graces his forehead, giving away his lie.

"You better be right."


"-only you can."

"And the blast radius?"

"I don't know."

Umbrella sits on Kobra's bed. As the blond flips through his pages.

"It could level Bat City."

Her breathing ceases.

"That's it. That's how we get out of it."

"Out of what?"

"The whole "Korse" thing. I go into the center of Bat City and level it. Done."

"I don't know."

"We'll plan it out, but as soon as Party gets better, I'm doing it."

"...there's a 95% chance you won't make it."

There's a knock on the door and Kobra quickly slides the pages under the bed.

Jet poles his head in the door.

"Umbrella? Party's asking for you."

She nods and walks to the back bedroom.

"I'm sorry."

Those are the first words out of his mouth and it breaks her.

"Why are you sorry?" she asks, softly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I let you get captured."

"Its not your fault."

Party leans into her touch, "I know. I trust you, Ella. Promise me something."

Her heart freezes, "Anything."

"Promise you'll never leave me."

She crosses her fingers behind her back.


I'm gonna try and update this story more frequently. Sorry.

no time for heroes // danger days: book 1Where stories live. Discover now