Galra Battle

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"Look alive, men." Shiro called over the comm.

"Well, that was the plan! Although I'm not so sure now." Hunk responded nervously.

"Alright." Shiro said, ignoring Hunk's comment. "Lance, Hunk. Your lions can take the most hits. I want you to flank the Galra ship and attack from the side."

"Over and out!" Lance replied before zooming toward the ship with Hunk.

"Pidge, Keith. You'll attack from below." Shiro continued.

"Got it." Pidge zoomed toward the ship.

Keith, however, remained hovering on the spot. The Red lion's tail drifted like a flag at half mast.

"Keith! Get into position." Shiro yelled.

Keith jolted back to attention. "Oh. Right! Sorry, Shiro." Suddenly, Keith's lion was pushed back as a shot rang out.

"They've spotted us! We've got to make this quick. Lance! Hunk! How are things going on your end?"

"Not well. We're taking more hits than we can give." Hunk responded.

"Oh come on! The frustrated voice of Lance shouted over the comm. "I've got this--" The jolt of a blaster momentarily cut Lance off. "Guys! We need a new plan."

"Fall back. It's time to form Voltron."
He paused. "Keith! Get over here!"

The Red lion rushed to rejoin the

They hovered in idleness. "Uh... guys? Why aren't we forming Voltron?" Hunk asked.

"I don't know. But I bet it's Keith's fault." Lance responded.

"My fault?!"

"Hey, knock it off you two. We can figure that out later. For now, we have to make do with what we have."

"Yes, Shiro--ARGH!" Another round of shots rang out. Keith, the last Paladin to fly out of range, was struck by the blunt of the hits.

Keith reached for the controls but was shocked by a small wave of electricity. "My lion. It's... something's wrong."

Thinking fast, Shiro commed Allura. "Allura, we're gonna need a quick getaway. Keith's down and Voltron is malfunctioning."

Allura's face contorted with worry. "I'm on it. This will only take a moment."

"Lance!" Shiro shouted in the meantime. "Get Keith out of here. Hunk, Pidge, and I will cover you."

"Got it!" His attention turned to Keith. "Keith, can you move?"

Keith made another attempt at the controls only to get another minor shock. "No. I can't even touch the controls. It's as if my lion doesn't want to listen to me."

"Who can blame it? I wouldn't want to listen to you either."

"Lance! Less bickering, more helping. The wormhole will close soon and we can't hold them off for long." Shiro shouted.

Another round hit Shiro's lion square in the chest. "Hurry up!"

"I got it. I got it." Lance maneuvered his lion beneath Keith's and lifted the red lion up into the wormhole.

After the two cleared the wormhole, the rest of the team followed suit, just narrowly escaping the approaching Galra ship.

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