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Lance turned to the crowd of refugees and back to the Other Keith with a sly smile. They were back on the Altean ship, preparing arrangements for the refugees to return home. Lance could not seem to stop checking out one particular refugee who had a lean figure, olive toned skin, and curious golden eyes. The Other Keith admitted that they were attractive but he disapproved of Lance bothering them.

The Other Keith crossed his arms and shook his head firmly. Lance shrugged his shoulders innocently and turned his attention away to scoot into the crowd. He leaned against the wall beside the golden eyed refugee who's height barely reached past his shoulders. Lance flashed them a crooked smile. "Hey, the name's Lance. Wanna go do an activity together? Like in a dating sort of situation? I could give you a tour of the ship."

Large eyes turned to Lance. Their pointed ears twitched in confusion then shyness. "Um... I'm a boy."

"Wow, same." Lance replied. "We have so much in common."

The Other Keith gripped Lance by the back of his shirt and pulled him away. He apologized profusely before turning to Lance. "Stop flirting with the refugees," he groaned.

"Hey, it's getting pretty crowded on this ship. I was just thinking that I might as well get to know some of the people on it."

The Other Keith crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Leave it to you to flirt after almost dying three times in one day."

"I like to live in the moment."

"Until you stupidly decide to get yourself killed. Gotcha." The Other Keith deadpanned.

Lance scowled. "You know, I can barely handle one Keith. Now I have to deal with two."

The Other Keith scoffed. "What a pain that must be." He shifted to rest a hand on his hip. "Speaking of which, Keith seems to have settled down a bit. He's sitting over there if you want to talk to him." He nodded down the corridor to a lone Keith sitting against the wall. "He was a bit shaken when he discovered that he almost killed you."

Lance stared down the corridor then shook his head without meeting his eyes. "I'm probably not the best person to talk to him right now."


Lance shoved his hands into his pockets. "I dunno, I'll probably just end up bothering him. I guess it's just in my nature to be annoying. Besides, he probably wants to be left alone, anyway."

The Other Keith cocked his head and furrowed his brows in confusion. "What brought this on?"

Lance kicked at a small object on the floor and watched it skid away. "I was just thinking, on the way back, about all the times that I've caused Keith to be frustrated or angry. If that is what could trigger his Galra state, how much effort did he have to muster to keep it hidden? It must have been so hard for him. I feel like a jerk." Lance finally raised his head to meet the Other Keith's eyes.

"Well, you're not. You're annoying... but you're not a jerk."

"I don't know which is worse at this point." He sighed.

The Other Keith clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. I think that all Keith needs right now is someone to talk to."

"How do you-- oh, right."


"You know, you're much more straightforward than Keith #1."

"I'll take that as a compliment." The Other Keith replied with a chuckle. "Now go on." He pushed Lance forward.

He watched Lance go to sit beside the real Keith. He observed the two for a few more moments. It wasn't long before Keith hid a smile at something Lance said. They seemed to be getting along all right... for once. The Other Keith couldn't help but smile. He wished that he, too, had someone who cared about him as much as Lance seemed to care about the real Keith. His smile faded when he realized that he never would. The ugly truth was that he wasn't meant to exist. For his short span of existence, he idolized Zarkon whom he came to see as his father figure. After all, Zarkon seemed to know so much more about the world than he did. Sure, he had Keith's mind, but he didn't have Keith's experiences. He knew nothing of life on earth nor did he understand the concept of friendship. He was taught only to obey orders. Love was a frivolous concept reserved for the weak. But things were different now. Zarkon treated his life as an expendable resource. Zarkon used him.

"Hey, Keith. Are you okay?"

The Other Keith jolted as if struck by a bolt of lightning and snapped his head away from Hunk to hide the tears. "I--I'm..." He cleared his throat and turned around. "I'm the wrong Keith." He said solemnly. "The real Keith is over there." He pointed a finger.

Hunk looked to where he pointed and returned his gaze to the Other Keith. His expression was one of concern. "But I'm talking to you," he said gently.

"W-why?" The Other Keith asked in disbelief. Up until now, beside the occasional conversation with Lance, everyone either ignored or avoided him.

"I just thought you might like to try this new recipe I'm experimenting with. Here." Hunk took a cookie from the tray he carried and handed it to the Other Keith. "Tell me what you think. And be honest!" He smiled.

The Other Keith watched Hunk as he took a bite. Then another and another.

"So you like it, then?" Hunk said with a laugh.

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted!" The Other Keith replied excitedly.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm THAT good. But thanks." Hunk handed him another cookie, which he gladly accepted.

"I've actually never had a cookie before." The Other Keith admitted after polishing off his second one.

"You're kidding!"

"No. I've always wanted to try one. The Galra think that food should only ever be used as fuel. Flavor and sweetness is frivolous to them."

"So I take it that you've never had pie before either." Hunk assumed.

The Other Keith shook his head.

"Wow. This is a baker's emergency. Keith, you are now my new official taste tester."

The Other Keith lit up. "Yeah?"

"Of course." Hunk replied with a smile.

The Other Keith smiled in return and, for just a moment, he forgot that he wasn't supposed to exist. For once, he felt as though he was his own person with his own thoughts and opinions. And now, he had his first friend. The Other Keith never felt happier.

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