See You Again

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Keith dashed from the room. His heart felt as though it would beat out of his chest.

"Lance!" Keith exclaimed, panting as he entered the control room. "Where is he?"

"We picked up the coordinates of his last stress signal." Allura replied.

Keith's stomach flipped. "How long ago was that?"

"About five minutes ago," Allura replied. "He's alive, but he could be injured."

"Alright," Shiro began. "Let's suit--"

"--We don't have much time!" Keith cut him off. "Shiro, I'm riding with you. Let's move!" Keith interrupted before turning on his heel to run out, bumping into Pidge on the way. "Sorry, Pidge!" He said quickly before disappearing around the corner.

Shiro blinked. "...up?" He finished.

Pidge and Hunk nodded before the three ran out after Keith.

The four Paladins touched down on a planet that was all to familiar to Keith. Although it's grassy plains were almost unrecognizable in the daylight, Keith could make out the small patch of grass where he and Lance once sat; the place where they first confessed to one another. He lead the group along the route to the coordinates of Lance's last known location. Keith could only pray that Lance was still there and relatively unharmed. They continued down the hill.

"Look! Over there!" Hunk exclaimed. He pointed to a rising cloud of smoke.
Keith's eyes followed its path of origin down to the campfire at its base. He paused in disbelief when he saw a figure sitting on a large rock with their back to him.

"LANCE!" Keith exclaimed.

The figure shot to their feet and turned. "Keith?" Lance asked in disbelief.

Keith ran into Lance, practically knocking him to the ground when he rushed into his arms.

"Whoa, darling. Take it easy." Lance's fingers brushed Keith's hair out of his face. He pulled Keith close, hugging him tightly. "Oh god, Keith. It's really you! I can't believe it!"

It was in that moment that Keith noticed a series of pink scars running from just below Lance's left eye to end just short of his collarbone. "Lance... your face..."

Lance stiffened and broke away. His expression went from one of joy to one of sadness.

Keith reached out to touch his cheek only to have Lance's hand wrap around his, stopping him.

Lance watched him with sorrow filled eyes but he tried to hide it behind a smile. "Yeah... not as pretty as I used to be. But I'm okay... at least now I am." He kissed Keith's hand before his eyes dropped to the ground in shame.

Keith slipped his hand out of Lance's grip then cupped Lance's head in his hands. "Look at me, Lance." He waited. "I said look at me!" Keith demanded desperately.

Lance met his gaze with uncertainty.

Keith wiped a tear away with his thumb. "Scar or no scar, you're beautiful all the same. Don't you ever forget that."

Lance smiled through his tears and pulled Keith close. "I love you, Keith." He whispered into his ear.

"I love you too, Lance." He replied with a smile. "I don't know how you could have made it... but you did. I saw the explosion. Everything was gone... like it never existed. Quiznak, Lance! How did you... it's a miracle."

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